If you are planning to set up a rice mill in India, Rice Mill Project Report is very useful for you. Agriculture being an important occupation of India is popular in West Bengal primarily. Among the crops that are a part of agriculture, rice is the main food crop. West Bengal is the state that is the largest producer of this crop.
The rice mills obtain rice after hulling and dehusking the paddy. The rice has 20% rice hull, 11% bran and 695 starchy endosperms. Paddy is the raw form of rice that humans cannot eat. Thus it is processed in rice mill to make it edible. Thus polished rice is produced. Rice milling removes husk and bran from paddy to produce edible rice.
The rice which is obtained is free from impurities and has minimum broken rice. FCI that is food corporation of India takes into hand 20 to 25% of rice for distribution under public distribution system.
The Rice mill business can be done as a small and big industry. You can read the article based on the opportunities available for more information about the large enterprise.
Rice Mill Project Report
The Rice Mill Business Plan is available for quick download here. This pre-feasibility report is in respect of Rice Mill. The objective of the Rice Mill Project Report is to provide information that the potential entrepreneurs are willing to get before they invest in a Rice Mill. The project report contains all the information needed for a new startup. This rice mill business plan covers various aspects of startup, marketing, finance and business management.
The main objective of every rice mill is to produce edible rice crop for sale in the market. The rice so obtained should be free from husk and bran. It should not have stones and other pesticide. Minimization of grain breakage should be the goal of the rice mill and it must try to maximize whole rice recovery.
The production of rice in any state of India has shown growth in the production of rice. Rice is being grown in an area of 5 million hectare producing 15 million tons of rice. As per the latest strategy of rice production, high yielding variety program for producing edible rice are run. The rice mills are operating on 3 shifts a day including harvesting and procurement process.
Market Opportunities
When you set up a rice mill, the farmers are engaged in farming and the mill earns good profits. Rice bran that is a by product is obtained during processing of rice. It is a great source of edible oil. Rice has a good demand in house hold and hotels, restaurants and dhabas too. A share of 20 to 25% of rice is taken by FCI to distribute rice in public distribution systems.
People in the south of India consume rice on a daily basis with fish and curries. The consumption of cooked rice per year per person is 164 kg. The country is not able to meet the demand of rice thus the government wants entrepreneurs to set up more rice mills.
Thus the business of rice mill manufacturing has a wide scope in the country. We insist you can get the rice mill project report for bank loan and get financial assistance from the government to start your own mill.
You can set up a rice mill and a plant to manufacture puffed rice and rice bran oil.
Product and Uses
Rice which is the staple food crop in most states of India. The byproduct is rice bran obtained while processing of rice. It has many antioxidants having other benefits for human health. It is utilized to produce oil and animal feed.
Rice bran being the niche product is healthy oil. The husk has good calorific value and is brought to use as source of energy. The husk is served to horses and is demanded for animal food.
The rice mill operates on scale model. The decision about its capacity depends on factors like demand for rice in the market, availability of man power to produce rice etc. The capacity of rice mill business model is 50 quintal. The plant can operate for 16 hours a day in two shifts.
How to get Rice Mill Business Model?
The process to download the Rice Mill project report is simple. First of all, you have to add the project report in the basket. Second, you have to checkout. The third is to pay. You can download the rice mill project report PDF format immediately after making the payment. Later you can change the sample project report pdf into word format using online conversion free tools.
Rice Mill Manufacturing Process
Moving to planting, preparation of cultivation requires minimal soil manipulation. If rice will be grown in a hilly area, the area should be kept on roofs. Paddies are dodged and surrounded by dikes or levees with an aide of earth-moving equipment, then plowed fields before planting. Suitable irrigation of the terrace or river delta bed is mandatory and pumping is accomplished by controlling and leveling the water with reservoirs, sutures, and streams.
Rice seeds get wet before sowing. For the level of mechanization and the size of planting, provisional, seeding is done in three ways. In many Asian countries that have not industrialized their agricultural practices, seeds are sown by hand. After 30–50 days of development, transplanting is done from nursery beds into clusters of flooded trees. Seeds can also be sown through a machine called a drill that places the seed into the ground. Large enterprises often sow rice seeds in the United States by airplane. Low-flying aircraft deliver seeds to already flooded fields. An average supply is 90–100 pounds per acre (101–111 kg per hectare), producing about 15–30 plants per square foot.
Harvesting Of RICE IN INDIA
Once the plants have touched full growth (about three months after planting) and the grains begin to ripen – the tops begin to dry and the stem turns yellow – the water drains from the fields. As the fields dry up, the grain ripens more and harvesting begins. It depends on the size of the setup and the amount of mechanization, Rice is also harvested by hand or machine.
Through the hand, the rice stalk is replaced with a sharp knife or sickle. This practice still occurs in many Asian countries. Rice can also be harvested by a mechanized hand harvester or a tractor / horse-drawn machine that cuts and steals rice stalks. If the rice has been harvested by hand or by a semi-automated process, the thrush is terminated by hand or using a mechanized thresher.
First milling, rice grains should be dried between 18-22% to reduce the moisture content. This is done with the help of naturally occurring sunlight, hot air, or more frequently. Rice grains are left on racks in the fields to dehydrate naturally. Once dried, the grain of rice, now called coarse rice, is ready for processing.
The plow can be completed by hand by rolling or grinding rough rice between stones. However, more often it is processed in a mill with the help of automated processes. Rough rice is first cleaned, allowing debris to flow. The blown air extracts the top substance. Once cleaned, the rice is stirred by a machine that mimics the action of hand-made stones. The shelling machine rolls the rice hulls between two sheets of metal and decomposes them. During this process, 80–90% of the kernel hull is removed.
With the shelling machine, the grain and the rudder are transported to a stone reel which aspirates the waste mites and moves the kernels into a machine that separates from the thin grains. After shaking the kernels, the paddy machine services heavy unhealthy grains on one side of the machine, while light-weight rice falls to the other end. Unhealthy grains are then squeezed into additional batches of shelling machines to complete the stirring process. Thin rice grains are known as brown rice.
As it retains the outer bran coating of rice grains, brown rice does not require any other processing. However, with additional vitamins and minerals, bran layers also contain oil that spoils brown rice faster than melted white rice. This is the reason why brown rice is pushed forward to make white rice more visually.
The milling method used to make white rice removes vitamins and minerals mainly found in the outer bran layers. Further handling is often performed to bring nutrients back to the grain. Once complete, the rice is called converted rice.
White rice is converted into one of two methods. Before milling, Rice is immersed under pressure to transfer all the vitamins and minerals from the layers of the bran to the kernel. Once done, the rice is boiled, dried, and then mixed. Rice that has already been mixed can be included in bathing vitamins and minerals that coat the grains. When soaked, they are dried and mixed with uncooked rice. A project report is essential to understand the process of rice manufacturing. So you must download the project report of the rice mill. You can also start flattened rice poha business in the rice Mill as extra product production.
Contents of Rice Mill Project Report
Sr.No. | Particulars |
1 | Confidentiality Note And Disclaimer |
2 | Project At Glance |
3 | Key Highlights |
4 | Introduction |
5 | Objective |
6 | Mfg. Process & Chart |
7 | Project Cost Estimate |
8 | Means Of Financing |
9 | Assumptions |
10 | Planning For Human Resources |
11 | Building And Civil Works |
12 | List Of Plant & Machinery |
13 | Miscellaneous Fixed Assets |
14 | Plant And Machineries Supplier |
15 | Preliminary & Pre-Operative Expenses |
16 | Depreciation Chart |
17 | Term Loan Repayment Schedule |
18 | Computation Of Working Capital |
19 | Administrative Expenses Details |
20 | Calculation Of Debt-Service Coverage Ratio |
21 | Installed Capacity And Capacity Utilization |
22 | Revenue Model |
23 | I – Form Proposed Facilities |
24 | II – Form Profit & Loss A/c |
25 | III – Form Balance Sheet |
26 | IV – Form Comparative CA & CL |
27 | V – Form MPBF |
28 | VI – Form Fund Flow |
29 | Ratio Analysis |
30 | Conclusion |
In addition to the above, other information which can help in preparing the project report.
License / Registration for rice mill business plan
You should take the following steps for the operation of the rice mill. Before applying for license and permissions, you must have the project report of the rice mill. It is mandatory to attach the project report with the application.
Register Business Structure For Rice Mill
Let us look at and understand the types of business unit structures available in India. Below is a list of some of them:
- One Person Company (OPC): If you want to have complete control over your business with limited liabilities, OPC is the best option to start. But make sure that you change the structure of your business (within six months) to the private company after the cross.
- Register a Company: It is the most well-known legal framework for business. Any default, financial liability of shareholders, In the case of bankruptcy and/or recovery by banks or creditors limited to their shares. It simply means
- Private Limited company
- Public Limited Company (PLC)- A public Limited Company business structure is great for the long run but has more regulatory requirements. Apart from all the advantages of a private limited company, it can be easy to transfer to any number of members.
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) If you do not want to take responsibility or liability for the misconduct, incompetence, or negligence of another partner and limit your liabilities for debts and losses. If you want to enjoy tax benefits, LLP can be.
- Partnership Firm If you do not want to take responsibility or liability for the misconduct, incompetence, or negligence of another partner for debts and losses. Therefore, you can create Partnership firm by creating a Partnership Deed.
- Proprietorship You can register your business as a sole proprietorship.
Industry Based UDYAM Registration
Your business must be register for Udyam Registration on MSME portal .
- Micro-Enterprise – Set up a business that investment in plant and machinery and equipment’s does not exceed Rs 1 Crore and Turnover does not exceed Rs.5 Crore in a specific business that comes under Micro Enterprises.
- Small-Enterprise – Set up a business that investment in plant and machinery and equipment’s exceed Rs 1 Crore but does not exceed Rs 10 Crore and Turnover exceed Rs.5 Crore does not exceed Rs.50 Crore in a specific business that comes under Small Enterprises.
Factory License For rice Mill
An individual/group planning to start a new business is required to obtain a factory/trade license. Factory/trade license is t o regulate the specific laws of trade for a particular area or locality.
No Pollution Certificate For Rice Mill
Apply for ‘Consent to operate’ and ‘Consent for establishment’ from Pollution Control Board Act 1958: Apply for the Rice-Milling Industry (Regulation) Act, 1958.
EPF and ESIC Registration
If you have more employees than prescribed in the EPF and ESIC in the rice mill plant, then you will have to get EPF (Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation) and ESIC registration for the employees as per the labor law.
FSSAI License
The rice mill plant is classified in the food industry; Therefore, you need to apply for an FSSAI license (Food Safety and Standard Authority of India), one of the necessary condition is to get a government license/permit after registering the business unit.
In case you are in the food industry such as hawker, traveling vendor, temporary stakeholder; Food distributors at any religious or social gathering events, except for one caterer, Or in any way related to the manufacture, transportation, storage, or distribution of food products or small food businesses, must obtain an FSSAI registration or FSSAI license before commencing operations.
GST Registration For rice Mill
Obtaining a GST Goods and Services Tax number which is mandatory for every business after the GST rule comes into force. It is very easy to do business in India and do interstate sales without restrictions
- Limited compliance
- High rebate for new businesses under composition scheme
- Low tax liability
- Financial inclusion in the long run
- Boosting the country’s economy is increasing opportunities for startups
SWOT Analysis For Rice Mill Business Model
Strength : The biggest strength of the rice mill plant is it is a high source of nutrition for more than half of the world’s population, rice is by far one of the most essential commercial food crops. The Rice mill plant gives you a high profit because it is the highest consumable food in India.
Weakness: Rice has great demand as a raw material to take out tof he plant. This business required a large number of knowledge of the market. The Rice mill plant also needs a large number of labour capital intensive. The Rice mill plant setup requires so many licenses.
Opportunities: Rice marketing opportunities are available in some guidelines for searching for potential buyers are communicating through exporting your relatives in that country, online portals like Alibaba and Indiamart, social media advertising, promotion of your website, and more.
Threats: Sometimes in this type of agriculture industry, many competitors also try to spread false rumours about the quality of the product that you gave. In starting of rice mill plant you have to face lots of ups and downs you may say only downs in your business.
Frequently Asked Questions On Rice Mill Project Report
• Grading machine • Grain dryerlighting equipment • Measurement and packing machine • Paddy Bran Making Machine • Paddy separator machine • Cleaning machine • Colored solution • Day-Stoner Machine • Milling Detection Machine • Polishing machine • Rice albumen
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