You can now download Wheat Flour Mill Project Report in a short time. It takes many days to research this business and then write the project report for starting a wheat flour manufacturing business in India. My question is Why spend so much time when we are here? Yes, I mean to say that the business plan is a crucial document that contains all significant details about the setup. If you are an individual who lacks time and wants to get the project report ready in a short moment. You are on the right page. We can provide you with this project report in a few minutes. Just make the payment and get the download link that gives you access to use our project report. If you want an up-to-date project report for chakki atta plant, you can get a personalised project report by paying an additional amount and getting the business plan as per your standard.
Many people are interested in running a flour mill business, but they don’t have any idea about the process and costs for setup. Flour Mill could be a very much profitable business, but you need some patience. You can get information about the process and various costs by downloading the project report for chakki atta plant here.
Wheat Flour Mill Project Report
Atta Plant project report is a necessary document that will help you get all the necessary licenses, help you set up this factory and avail financial assistance from the banks. You can use it as a map that has all the solutions to your doubts and can resolve your problems in a gist of time.
If we review our local market needs, there are different types of flour mill setup like domestic flour mills, commercial flour mills, bakery/mini flour mills and roller flour mills. Out of these, commercial one is very useful as it required low cost but also variable-since flour procure from this at commercial level.
Flour Mill is the traditional process also. Generally, we see flour is used in our daily life for different purposes like chapatti making, naan, puri, bread etc. This is the essential raw material and highly consumed in daily routine in India.
Grains should be clean and dry before grinding and then break split by sieving to superior or intermediate particles and other rough particles. Different types of grains flour in the mill like wheat, bajra, Makka, rice, millets etc. are in great demand. Therefore mill is required for the flouring purpose. Flouring is done 5-6 times to get smooth flour.
Objective of Atta Plant Project Report
This pre-feasibility report is in respect of wheat flour mill. The objective of the project is to provide information to potential entrepreneurs. The project report for chakki atta plant business covers various aspects. A project report is helpful for investors, startups, and lenders.
How do you start a wheat flour mill?
In India almost every person consumes wheat flour because it is our staple food being used in every form. All the retail stores, households, and restaurants require wheat flour in constant supply for making fod. Thus a flour mill can grab this excellent business opportunity. If you want to start a wheat flour mill on a small scale in India, you can start it because it is a great idea. This business requires very low investmnet and yields high return because of high demand. Two type of flour mills that you can strat in India are:
Small Scale Wheat Flour Mill
If you charge cash for milling wheat for personal use of the people the profit argin won’t be very high as you would invest little capital only.
Large Scale Wheat Flour Mill
You can proces atta using the main raw materia and sell it to the retailers or other potebtial consumers. This can make you more moeny as investment made is also more.
What is the cost of Flour Mill Plant?
If you want to start a flour mill plant, then first of all you need to know which flour mill you need to start. Then comes the location and availing other legal permits. You might be curious to knwo the plant cost of flour mill, so let me tell you if you want to set up an automatic flour mill plant then the cost would be around Rs 10 lakh excluding the space cost.
How can I start a wheat flour mill factory in India?
You can start a wheat flour mill factory in India by doing a deep market research and finding out your target audience. Then you would require a well written wheat flour mill project report pdf that will assist you in every important decision in this business. You need to look for the best location for setting your factory. It should be at least 3000 square feet as it is a large scale wheat flour mill. You need to have access to transportation facility, electricity, water supply, relaible raw material supplier, manpower and investment.
You need to buy the required machinery and provide training to your labour so that they can run machinery efficiently. You require staff to handle marketing, advertisement, distrbution and accountancy. Once the flour is manufactured proper packaging needs to be done so that it can reach the target audience.
How can I open a wheat flour mill in India?
You can open a wheat flour mill in India by considering two business models that have different investment and infrastructure. One is to start your mill be a small retail space so that you can install your atta chakki there and the other one is allowing people to get their own grain and you can take charges of grinding them. It is comparatively very easy to do so. This demands very less capital investment. It is a traditional model of a wheat flour mill but the changes in time and technology doesn’t demand this model. You can have an integrated wheat flour mill and offer packed flour to your customers. It requires moderate capital investment and you need to make strategies to get all the plans into action.
You need to develop strategies for marketing and proper distribution of goods. Thus writing a atta manufacturing plant project report comes into action. You should make your business plan according to the capacity of your flour mill and investment.
How to set up a wheat flour mill in India?
Below mentioned are the steps you can consider to start a wheat flour mill in India.
Select your type
It is basically the skin of grains. It is used as a dietry fiber.
It is an important item that is used in food processing industry. Corn maize milling is a highly profitable business in the world. You can establish a mill and start this business in the location you find best. The location that you can consider for this business is where you can get corn as raw material.
Gram Flour Mill
Gram flour is the basic and very important item found in every kitchen. You can start gram flour mill business In India by establishing a mill and grinding the flour as it has a good scope and high demand.
Another very popular item is sooji that is found in all grocery stores. You can produce sooji simultaneously in your mill.
Wheat Flour
Wheat is consumed by every individual on this Earth in the form of food.
Whole Wheat Flour
Whole wheat flour is called Maida in Hindi. It has a good market demand so you can manufacture maida also in a wheat flour mill and grab the market demand.
How do I get a wheat flour mill license?
There are so many licenses that you need to acquire for starting a wheat flour mill. Wheat flour mill falls under food processing industry so it requires registration and licenses before you start this business. You can check out the laws of your state and know about the licenses you require and how to apply for them.
- Initially you need to register your business with ROC.
- Then you have to apply for Trade License from the municipal authority.
- Applying for Udyog Aadhaar MSME online.
- FSSAI registration is important as it is a food related product.
- Apply for BIS Certification.
- Apply for GST Registration number.
- Cheack your tax liability.
- Apply for AGMARK.
- You need not arrange any pollution certificate for this business.
You can apply for these licenses online and offline both ways. Visiting the official websites of goverment licenses is a great idea to apply for them online.
Cost of Setting Up a Wheat Flour Mill
You need to make two investments while starting a wheat flour mill in India. One is fixed capital investment that includes investment to be made on arranging land, building, machinery, license fee, registration etc. If you start this business on rent premise then fixed capital will include the security deposit of your area of land.
Second investment is working capital investment that includes raw material, rent, transportation, staff, distribution, marketing, administration cost etc. You can arrange finance from the banks by presenting a well written atta manufacturing plant project report and take loan from them. You can also arrange funds by applying for government schemes like Mudra Loan, PMEGP etc.
How do Flour Mills grow business?
You will be able to make good money from a wheat flour mill in India. The profit percentage depends on various aspects that would help you reduce production cost. You can plan to enhance your sales volume and explore more areas. Remember that, you should expect good profit only when you can effort to sell your wheat flour as a brand.
Flour Mill Plant Setup and Machinery
You must first of all, select a secure location for manufacturing or processing wheat flour. You must ensure there is good transportation facility, arrangement of water, drainage facility and semi skilled manpower. When you wish to set up a small scale unit for producing a wide range of flour, you require a minimum of 3000 square feet.
You need to fulfill these basic requirements for plant and machinery while starting a wheat flour mill.
- Bucket elevator
- Reel machine (3 segments)
- Rotary separator with aspiration channel
- Scourer machine with aspiration channel
- Intensive dampener
- Rotometer
- De-Stoner
- Indent cylinder
- Screw conveyor
- V-Groove, Pulleys, Couplings, V-Belts, etc
- Weighing scale
- Dust cyclone
- P fan for cleaning
- Magnate
- Silogate
- Roller Mill body
- Roll Grooving & spindle cutting
- Purifier
- Supper cyclone
Usually, a wheat flour mill is setup in a customized manner depending upon the capacity of your investment and desired output, you need to install machinery.
You should also buy the testing equipments and machinery that can package the produced wheat in less time and efficiently.
How to Install flour mill?
You can buy the entire machinery of running an automatic wheat flour mill that would cost you around Rs 10 lakh to 15 lakh and get it installed in your factory so that you can run your flour mill smoothly.
Wheat Flour Production Process and Raw Materials
Wheat flour manufacturing process is quite easy. You can source wheat flour producing technology from Government department by paying certain fee. You can follow these basic steps to produce wheat flour.
First of all, you must remove the dust, stones and other unwanted particles from wheat. Then temper the grain before allowing grinding and treat them with water so that bran gets separated from endosperm.
Now the wheat should be crushed between corrugated rollers. It is a lengthy process and can be completed in breaks. The stock contains some pieces of endosperm and bra and the middlings also have endosperm, germ and bran that needs to be classified and removed bran is sent to reduction rollers.
Rollers are smooth but like bread rolls they are graduated so that reduction becomes fine. Once reduction is done, sifters separate the flour, stock and middling. You need to continue this process till most of endosperm is removed. You can then separate bran in sifters. Following this packaging is done.
Market Opportunities for Wheat Flour Business in India
Around 812 roller flour mills run in India which produce nearly 25 million tonnes flour of Rs 1000 crore per day. 30-1000TDP minimum capacity required per day of raw materials. For the startup of small or mini flour mill, at least 30 tonnes of raw material is required daily. A lot of products like chapattis, puri, paratha are formed using flour. Various bakery products like biscuits and cakes are prepared using wheat flour or maida, which is the primary ingredient. In this process, there is no pollution problem except dust, which can damage plant and machinery, also counter effect on workers’ health. For this reason, cyclone used to separate dust in the mill. In the milling system, the person should be aware of the selection of motors and energy requirement.
How to Download Wheat Flour Mill Project Report PDF
Atta (wheat flour) is one of the main and basic food items for Indians, not only that, it is the basic food item for all the men living in the world. There are various costs involved in setting up a wheat flour mill. The cost of the project is dependent on the capabilities of the plants to be deployed. You can download the wheat flour mill project report pdf of different capacities by paying a nominal fee. We have technical and financial project reports for Wheat Flour Mill. Project reports help prepare a business plan.
What Documents are Available to Download Here?
You can download the following documents by paying the prescribed fee.
- Wheat Flour Atta Mill Technical Project Report.
- 500 Kg. Per Hour Wheat Flour Mill Project Report
- 1000 Kg. Per Hour Wheat Flour Mill Project Report
- 2000 Kg. Per Hour Wheat Flour Mill Project Report
- Agriculture-and-Allied-Industries Report.
- Financial Project Report Sample Format in PDF and Excel File.
- Other Sample Project Reports
Uses of Wheat Flour
Wheat flour is used for making rotis, parathas etc. in everyday food. There are many other uses such as in breads and other bakery products as well as in many other recipes in which wheat flour is used as the main ingredient. Wheat is also used as a feedstock in compound feedstuffs, starch production and ethanol production. Whole wheat flour is dark brown in colour. Whole wheat flour has higher nutritional values than enriched wheat flour, simply because; People are nowadays prefer to use whole wheat flour in their diet.
It should be free-flowing powdery material, it should have a maximum moisture level of 12%, it should not have any insect inside the packet, it should be 40 mesh size powder with white colour. Wheat bran has brown spots, it usually contains 7-9% protein, contains trace minerals that are useful for health enhancement. It has the availability of Vitamin B complex compounds.
Market Survey
Flour is the most fundamental staple food for humans. It is used directly for human consumption. There is very little organized sector manufacturing flour from wheat for human consumption. The demand for 5-10 kg packs is increasing day by day. More than 70 million tonnes of wheat are produced in India. It is mainly consumed in the form of flour, semolina, maida and baking flour. Most of the wheat is turned into wheat flour in small capacity disc mills (atta). Wheat has been used in India for more than 5,000 years. Flour today is not the wheat grown until the 1970s. Wheat has gone through great development. Today two basic varieties of wheat are produced in India to make flour: durum and aestivum. Aestivum is semi hard wheat as compared to hard durum. About 90% of the flour in India is made from wheat. Durum is also called semolina. Durum is harder than any variety of wheat. The report of the agriculture industry is also attached with the wheat flour mill project report india. The industry report contains the latest market information.
How much do I need to invest for starting a wheat flour mill in India?
If you want to start a basic wheat flour mill in India then you need to spend money on arranging space, raw material, some basic facilities and machinery. You need to arrange a space of about 300 to 500 square feet. You can manage to take space on rent as it will reduce your overall cost. To buy the machinery you need to spend Rs 50,000 but this depends on the type of machinery you are planning to buy. You can buy a manual, semi automatic or automatic machinery for your flour mill. You need to buy other equipments like reel machine, indent cylinder, roller mill body, bucket elevator etc. This will need a sum of Rs 40,000.
Market Demand of Wheat Flour in India
The demand for wheat flour is mainly determined by the growth rate of population and per capita consumption of flour. The increasing use of wheat flour for industrial processing of food products such as pasta and macaroni will also significantly impact the demand for flour in the future. After rice, wheat is India’s second most important cereal. Wheat provides more than 50% of the calories to those who mainly depend on it. India has witnessed a significant increase in the production of wheat in the last few years. Wheat flour is a powder made from grinding wheat that is used for human consumption. There are a lot of brands in the Indian packaged wheat flour market, which are trying to differentiate themselves with wheat origin, manufacturing process, quality, taste, texture and price to attract customers. Apart from leading brands, there are over 500 regional brands in India. Wheat flour or atta is mainly used in India in food items like chapati, roti, naan and puri and sweat items like halwa, pakora etc. Due to the public distribution system, whole wheat is made available which is ground and buying and grinding wheat from the open market will be cheaper than the flour available in the market and we have the option of grinding it to the required consistency. These advantages create immense market potential for Mini Wheat Flour Mill.
Market Strategy
It’s a hard task for factory investors to sell the flour to the direct customers, but if the competition in the local market is low, then the selling of final flour is easy. Some markets are very hot for the startup of this business since it is in high demand and competition is very low.
Licenses and Permits required to start wheat flour mill in India
- Shop Act or Trade License: Apply for a Shop Act license from the local authorities if you want to set up a flour mill in India to startup your business.
- Udyam Registration: Flour mill set up is considered as a small business, and therefore, it is to be registered in Udyam MSMEs Online Portal.
- GST Registration for Wheat Atta Chakki Plant: Every business’s basic requirement to show the taxes at any point of business. Therefore, it is important to manage all taxes in a single uniform taxation structure present in India under which you have to register your business i.e. under Goods and Services Tax (GST) which is now common for everyone.
- Along with these registrations, you have to apply for BIS – Bureau of Indian Standards certification. In this registration, no pollution clearance request is applicable, but it’s better to investigate with the State Pollution Control Board of the local area before startup any business.
You must have a project report before applying for licenses and permissions. Project reports are also required along with the application.
Wheat Flour Mill Project Report for Bank Loans and Government Subsidies
In the market, this business is in great demand and money expenditure is very less, therefore; banks are easily ready to provide loans for Flour mill Business. It required very less space and not gender-specific means anybody can start this with good knowledge. Hence, it helps to start on a small scale, and banks provide a 60% loan on the machinery for setup. You must have a wheat flour mill project report india to take advantage of loans and government schemes. Banks list which provides loans and subsidies for establishing flour mill business:-
- State Bank of India
- Canara Bank
- Punjab National Bank
- Union Bank of India
- Central Bank of India
- Bank of Baroda
What are the Requirements To Start Atta Manufacturing Plant
The components of milling machinery for setting up a flour mill project are listed below. Detailed information of machinery and technical can be obtained from the project report.
- Land minimum of 200 sq. Mtrs.
- Construct an area for the plant and machinery as well as for the storage bins for grains.
- Construct office, laboratory etc.
- Machinery equipments include the following things:
- Single bucket elevator without belt and bucket
- Reel Machine (3 segments)
- Rotary separator with aspiration channel
- Scourer machine with aspiration channel
- Intensive dampner
- Rotometer
- De-Stoner without fan & cyclone
- Indent cylinder
- Screw conveyor 7 m 1500/m, 4.5 m 1500/m
- Dust cyclone with air sealdia 960mm
- L.P. Fan for 1st Cleaning
- Fan L.P. for Main Cleaning
- L.P. Fan for DE stoner
- L.P. Fan for final Cleaning
- Magnets 6″*12″
- Silogate
Milling Section
- Roller Mill body
- Rolls diameter 250 x 1000 mm (Indian)
- Roll Grooving & spindle cutting
- Plan sifter eight feed /16 sec
- Purifier
- Bran – finisher
- Pneumatic lifts
- Triple worm 8 mt. each
- L.P. Fan purifier 1120 mm
- Dust cyclone diameter
- H.P. Fan
- Supper cyclone
- Bolting cloth lot
- Misc. accessories like inspection, cover & joint range etc.,
- Electrical motors
- Electric pannel boards fitted with main starter switches, cables, cable fittings, volts and AMP meters, AC.B capacitors.
- Reduction gears standard make
- V-Groove, Pulleys, Couplings, V-Belts
- Erection Material such as angle, Channel, Sheet, Iron
- Tools and other equipment required during Erection
- Consumable things like Nut, Bolt, Gas, and Welding Rods, Nanda, Fevicol,
- Weighing scale 4 Nos.
- Erection and Consultancy charges
Who can avail Government Scheme For Starting Atta Manufacturing Business in India?
Flour Mill is a very good opportunity to start up such kind of business as you can receive 25% of the capital cost of the plant and machinery cost, civil work cost from the government in general states. In case of tribal development project, 33% up to Rs.75 lakhs received in areas like Sikkim, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, north-eastern states, Uttarakhand, etc. Only you need to submit affidavits. All firms, PSUs, cooperatives, companies can also apply for the same on a large scale and provide good job opportunities in such kind of areas.
Disbursement of grant or subsidies for Wheat Flour Mill
The economic process is done in two equal instalments which released in two equal parts first and second (50%) and (50%).
Documents required for obtaining government subsidies for flour mill
Following documents are required to set up this business and to take subsidies.
- Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100 as an agreement.
- Non-judicial stamp paper of value Rs.100 as an affidavit.
- Non-drawl of MFPI grants paper.
- Provide proof or certificate that you have not applied for this scheme or subsidy or loan in the past from anywhere like centre government or department or ministry or agencies or state government as per the rule 209.
- MFPI for the grain milling sector to avail the grant.
- Utilization certificate by the plant unit produced in the form of GFR 19A.
- Also, you can apply for term loan linked application to avail grant.
- Liability from the lending institutions under the scheme.
- For a total outlay of the scheme take 15%.
- Project report of wheat flour business.
This loan and subsidy will be permitted only as per rules of the government for proper usage of the lands and schemes. Project report of wheat flour is mandatory to get subsidy Flour mill subsidy provided in following states like Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Telangana, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura. Government subsidy for a flour mill, Pindi girni subsidy and loans, flour mill loans from banks, mini flour mill cost, wheat flour mill cost and subsidy, Ragi flour mill cost and subsidy,Cornflour mill cost and subsidy, license to start a flour mill business,business plan of flour mill, grain flour mill cost, subsidy, rice flour mill cost and subsidy and atta mill cost and subsidy. On all these, the government provides handsome subsidy and therefore you can easily establish your business and support yourself.
Contents Of Atta Manufacturing Plant Project Report
The following are the key points covers in technical project report, whichever relevant to business :-
Sr.No. | Particulars | Page No. |
1 | Executive Summary | 3 |
2 | Industry Introduction | 4 |
3 | Market Overview | 9 |
4 | Mfg.Process | 22 |
5 | Critical Factors | 23 |
6 | SWOT Analysis | 24 |
7 | Technical Aspects | 26 |
8 | Flour Production & Its Parts | 29 |
9 | Mini Flour Mill Technology | 34 |
10 | Quality & Type of Flour | 39 |
11 | Germ Technology | 45 |
12 | Milling | 50 |
13 | Processing Technology | 63 |
14 | Use of Wheat Flour | 66 |
15 | Packaging for Germ | 69 |
16 | Wheat Based Products | 73 |
17 | Automatic Whole Wheat Chakki P. | 115 |
18 | 5 MT Flour Mill | 121 |
19 | 10 MT Flour Mill | 122 |
20 | 30 MT Flour Mill | 125 |
21 | 300-450 kg/h Flour Mill | 127 |
22 | 250 TPD Flour Mill | 147 |
23 | Cleaning Equipments | 155 |
24 | Milling Equipments | 159 |
25 | Packaging | 169 |
26 | Economics Chakki Flour Mill | 174 |
27 | Eco. Atta, Maida, Suji, Brans | 177 |
28 | Economics Mini Flour Mill | 180 |
29 | Eco Roller Flour Mill | 186 |
30 | Eco 115 MT Flour Mill | 194 |
31 | P&M Suppliers List | 197 |
32 | Wheat Structure & Nutrient | 203 |
33 | Laws and Regulations | 287 |
Apart from this, you will also get other necessary information.
The wheat flour project report has an essential place in the conclusion. Wheat is grown in almost every part of the world, from the near-arctic to the near-equatorial latitudes. It is the most important cereal crop in terms of area planted, followed by maize, barley and sorghum. The amount of wheat traded internationally exceeds all other cereals. In addition, the protein and caloric content of wheat is higher than that of any other food crop. Atta is made from wheat which is cultivated during or just before the winter season. Although tissue culture base seeds are being developed which can be cultivated throughout the year. Setting up a wheat flour making unit is a profitable venture needs a well written business project report that includes every crucial fact about this business-like market feasibility, future of business, legalities, quality, production etc. The atta manufacturing business can rise in a short time period, and it is a continuous business that can expand sales throughout the years. You just need to follow all the guidelines mentioned in our project report. Wheat has been collected from the wheat field and kept in the godown and further processing has been done. Flour of wheat is the first choice of health-conscious people. Wheat flour is obtained from the milling of wheat. There are different types of wheat.
Frequently asked questions on Wheat Flour Mill Project Report India
Is it profitable to sell wheat flour in India?
Yes flour is in high demand, and people require it daily. You may make a lot of money every month if you work hard. This is a one-time investment with modest maintenance costs in the future.
Is the Wheat Flour Manufacturing Project Report accessible in PDF format?
Yes, the Wheat Flour Manufacturing Project Report in PDF format is available on our website.
What is the cost of starting a flour mill?
If you want to open a small flour mill, you will need about INR 7-9 lakhs. A large-scale flour mill facility might cost anything from INR 10 to 20 lakhs. It also relies on machinery and other equipment that the firm requires as you buy new types of machinery, the price changes.
What is the size of the wheat flour market?
In 2020, the worldwide wheat flour market was valued at USD 155.08 billion. The market is expected to expand from USD 160 in 2021 to USD 160 in 2028, with a CAGR of 3.95 per cent between 2021 and 2028.
What are the challenges facing the wheat flour market in India?
Wheat flour has a shorter shelf life due to a lack of suitable storage facilities. One of the critical concerns expected to stifle the Flour Markets expansion is a lack of adequate warehousing facilities. Wheat flour shorter shelf life is also reported to be limiting the Flour Markets growth.
What is the worldwide market potential for wheat flour?
Wheat flours are widely used in the food-service industry and households worldwide. All-purpose flour, semolina and durum flour, whole-wheat flour, bread flour, and others are examples of product categories.
Why is the Asia-Pacific region anticipated to develop at the fastest rate between 2021 and 2028?
The Asia Pacific area is home to a large portion of the worlds population, and growing disposable incomes and urbanisation have fueled the regions wheat flour market expansion. An increase has assisted the regions need for wheat flour in the number of restaurants and cafés and a thirst for unusual food.
What are the prospects for the wheat flour markets residential segment?
Over the projected period, the prediction of the residential segment of the wheat flour market is to rise significantly. The demand for wheat flour in the residential segment increases the number of home bakers and a growing interest in cooking. Furthermore, the COVID-19 epidemic has raised the need for foodstuffs in the home sector, as individuals have been experimenting with cooking and baking due to most nations lockdowns and travel restrictions. As a result, the prediction of the global wheat flour markets residential segment is to increase significantly in the upcoming years.
Which factors drive the growth of the market in the coming years?
In recent years, the demand for whole wheat flour has expanded dramatically due to customer desire for fibre-rich diets. Consumer knowledge of the health benefits of fibre-rich meals has resulted in significant growth in the use of whole flour across many areas of the food business. Several weight-loss regimens recommend eating whole grains to minimise the risk of lifestyle-related illnesses, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The market expectation to rise in the following years due to the rising popularity of fibre-rich baked products and snacks. The rising belief among consumers that organic products are safer and healthier than conventional ones is likely to boost demand for organic whole flour among major food companies. Hence, it is profitable to start your business using this project report.