You have come to the right place to get the declaration for resumes for freshers. A resume is a professional document that has all the required information that a potential employer likes to read about you. You must enter all the details correctly and keep them short and crisp. Be It your educational background or work experience, personal information or declaration, everything needs to be perfect.
In the article below you will find several declarations that will guide you to write a declaration for a fresher resume in India.
Trust me, there are many job seekers who fail to include the declaration properly in their CV for fresher and later regret it because it is really very important to include a declaration in a biodata.
Declaration In Resume For Experienced
A resume declaration is an official statement in a biodata that assures the recruiter that the information provided by you is authentic and reliable. It states that the facts that you have provided are accurate as per your knowledge. Be it the current location, address and other stuff like signature and name at the bottom of the resume.
What is a Biodata Declaration?
A declaration of a resume for experience is an important statement made by the job seeker in the document that contains personal information and experience details that you present before a recruiter in a resume when you appear for the interview. From personal information to all other details as well should be true in your knowledge and this is the resume declaration only.
A resume for declaration for freshers is thus the place where you mention the correctness of the data in your resume. It is an assurance by you to the recruiter that the information you include in the CV is correct in your opinion.
Including a declaration, can make your CV strong and trustworthy. It emphasizes the professionalism you have. This removes all the confusion that is in the mind of the recruiter.
Hence, it is also known as the closing statement of the resume.
If there are any flaws with your information later and the recruiter notices them, the sole responsibility is yours. This is written in the resume declaration by the job seeker.
Self Declaration For Resume
Let’s begin with the self-declaration for the resume list for the CV of a fresher.
Examples Of Declaration For Fresher Resume
- I hereby declare that the details provided by me above are accurate to the best of my knowledge.
- I solemnly declare that the information included herein in the resume is true and correct as per my beliefs.
- I solemnly state that the detail mentioned above is accurate in my point of view.
- I take complete responsibility for the correctness of the information mentioned here.
Sample Declaration Format For Resume
- All the information listed here is genuine and best in my opinion and belief.
- I solemnly declare that all the particulars listed here are correct to the best of my wisdom and belief.
- All the facts and figures here are truthful and correct.
Best Resume Declaration For Experience
- I hereby state that the facts in my resume are accurate and I am responsible of any misrepresentation of data.
- I hereby declare that I am solely responsible for all the information mentioned In the CV.
- I verify the authenticity of all the above-mentioned information and declare that the facts are right and true to the best of my knowledge.
- I declare that the details furnished in the resume are right and accurate to the best of my belief.
- I solemnly declare that the details and information listed in the CV are reliable and inclusive to the best of my wisdom and belief.
- The information shared above is right. I may be held responsible for the authenticity of the facts.
- I hereby declare that the details shared here are correct and truthful to the best of my belief.
- I declare that the data shared in the resume is true to my knowledge and I am answerable for its correctness.
All the above 15 examples are the resume declarations for freshers and I hope this idea is the best as you can simply use them in your fresher biodata without making any modification in the declarations here.
What is the need for a declaration in a resume?
The following are the reasons why we need to mention a declaration in a resume.
Credibility and reliability
It is a tool that proves the details a resume contains are true and authentic. It brings reliability and credibility to your CV and says you are responsible for all the details there in your biodata.
Controls Fraud
A declaration statement can prevent fraud and remove misconceptions about fraudulent activities from job seekers. It says that the signatures and the details are true and not misleading. Therefore the recruiters tend to trust you and this establishes clarity with the potential employer.
Prevents Ambiguity
The declaration is important when you send your CV to the recruiter because you are a stranger and the potential employer knows nothing about you.
Thus the declaration statement and your signatures give him a surety that the information present in the CV is right and reliable.
Increases Professionalism
The Closing statement of the resume increases professionalism because it gives the surety about your information that is there in the resume and builds trust with the potential employer. He can therefore think to hire you on the basis of the true facts in your bio data.
Significance of Resume Declaration
The points here must be a part of the biodata before you submit it to the potential employer.
- Engaging CV Title
- Name and Address
- Job Objective
- Training and Certifications
- Achievements
- Hobbies and Interests
- Languages Known and Key Skills
- References
- Declaration Statement
As we know it is mandatory to confirm that the information you present in the biodata is true and correct. Here I am listing the more significant points that say why declaration is important.
A fresher’s resume can change the game and get the job if all the details in his resume are true and impress the potential employer. The declaration will leave a good impact on the recruiter.
Your reference will demonstrate that the details listed by you are correct.
Why Is Resume Declaration Important? Is a declaration in a resume important?
As we know not everybody provides complete and correct information about himself in the resume. Be it their work experience or educational background, they falsify the information.
Once they get selected for the job, employers later get to know about the fake information of the employees and then regret. Thus the hiring personnel needs the candidates to present the statement of declaration in their resume to avoid future problems.
Following are the reasons that justify the importance of a declaration statement in a resume.
To give surety to hiring staff
When the potential employer goes through the resume and checks your resume he gets a surety that you have presented the true and genuine information about you. Thus he can hire you on the job.
For your integrity
Declaration in the CV lets the potential employer know that you are honest and have given true information about yourself and it helps them see your integrity that is a positive quality.
To showcase professionalism
A well-presented resume that highlights clear declaration gives a polished professionalism to your document.
When To Write A Resume Declaration
The importance of writing a declaration in a CV is from the past and till today it is prevailing. The candidates in the past posted their resumes and then the time of meeting the recruiter and giving your resume was there. Now it is all online and easy.
Therefore in this trend where the job seeker meets the recruiter and shares his CV to build a good impression requires listing the resume declaration because both parties don’t know each other.
You must write the declaration statement when you apply for the following jobs.
Government Agencies
The government agencies offer jobs in educational institutions and other offices that require a number of formalities to complete. You must therefore mention your signatures and declaration statement so that there is no hindrance in the job process.
Formal Recruitment Organizations
The organizations like police, army, medical and astronauts require staff who have undergone training and apprenticeships. For such jobs, it is important to include the closing statement in the CV that states your training and internship for a particular job is over. The declaration you give provides surety that you are trained.
Big Companies
A number of large companies attach their own form to the CV of the job seeker that they fill. The software in the big companies can verify all the information that the candidates provide and thus find out the fake statements.
These application forms include a declaration section at the end and it is according to the requirement of the company. This helps the recruiter to judge you on the basis of your information in the form.
How to Write a Declaration In Biodata?
A closing statement of a resume in India is a maximum of two sentences. It is short, crisp and simple along with being straightforward. You can write the declaration of a CV in 4 simple steps.
For more information Read: Fresher Resume Format
State the authenticity of the information in the resume
Most of the statement of declaration are related to the assurance that all the information on the resume that the job seeker states is reliable and correct. The declaration is in the last line of the resume which makes it clear and purposeful. Use this declaration statement to express your responsibility for the data you list in your CV.
Mention the Current Location and Date
When you state your current date and location, it proves that the information you claim and tell the potential employer is latest. You can therefore write the date and location below the declaration sentence on the left-hand side of the CV Page.
Do Your signature
When you include your complete signature, under the declaration statement it states that you have only written it. Place the complete name at the right side of the page under the declaration and sign above your name.
Resume Declaration Template
Regardless of the fact that you have job experience or are a fresher, include a declaration statement that proves helpful to you and the recruiter as well.
You can create the template in the following manner.
- Declaration Statement
- Current Date and Location
- Signature and Full Name
Resume Declaration Format
As such there is no specific format for writing a declaration for a resume for freshers because there is nothing right or wrong with it. You must take care of a few things while you write it.
Tips for Best Declaration For Resume
When you write a resume declaration, keep the following tips in mind.
Avoid scanning your signature
If you share your CV online then you can scan your signatures but if you visit the recruiter personally then you must officially sign the declaration rather than putting the scanned signatures. You can omit to scan if you can’t sign it. Write your full name there because it signifies your signature only.
Write relevant details only
The statement is not personal, it is formal so include related information only. Therefore you must avoid fancy words and sentences in declaration for resume for freshers. Try to keep things simple and short so that the resume doesn’t look over-stuffed.
Proofread the Resume document
Wrong grammar and spellings spoil your reputation without even giving you time to interact. If you want to be in for the job then make sure your things are right. Proper punctuation should be used in the declaration statement so that errors are not there and it looks like you are confident and wise.
Cross-check for readability
The declaration sentence needs to be short and easy to read and understand. State the declaration clearly and use simple language only.
No fancy fonts
The font you are using in the declaration statement should be simple and not stylish. Arial is the best to use always. Keep the font size and style the same in the entire resume. It helps to keep it a formal document.
The declarations are the same for all the resumes and official documents. What matters is the correctness and accuracy of the content mentioned.
That’s all about the declaration for resumes for freshers. This information is incomplete without gaining further knowledge. It can give you answers to your doubts.
Frequently Asked Questions on Declaration For Resume For Freshers
How to end a resume with a declaration?
The declaration is the ending statement of a resume that states that everything you write in your CV is right and true. You can end a resume with a declaration by saying “ I hereby declare that all the information provided above is right as per my knowledge.”
Is a declaration necessary in a resume?
Yes, a declaration is necessary in a document so that frauds can be prevented and your integrity is seen by the recruiters and they can trust you and give you better opportunities and environment to work.
Does the resume need a declaration?
Yes, a resume needs a declaration because it justifies that the information you have provided is true and related to the job description. It proves that you are a reliable candidate for the job.
How to Write a declaration for a resume for freshers?
You have to write the resume declaration for fresher in two to three lines that states the information that the resume contains is right and correct. Therefore it guides the potential employer that you are a genuine candidate for the job.
Is it easy to write a Declaration for a resume for freshers?
Yes, it is very easy to write a resume declaration for a fresher job because it is just a matter of ready-made sentences that we have listed in our article so you can use the same declaration for any resume of any job profile.