Peppermint Oil Project Report



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Peppermint oil and its derivative menthol are widely used as flavoring ingredients in various items, including dental cream, toothpaste, confectionery, cough syrups, chewing gums, pan masala, and pain relievers.

Mentha cultivation in India has proven beneficial to farmers, particularly small farmers, as it has integrated well with the current cropping system in a mint growing area in the country. Mint cultivators regard mentha as a supplementing crop because it does not interfere with the growth of any major Rabi or rainy season crop. Growing mentha is a labor-intensive operation that provides opportunities for employment in fields such as cultivation, distillation, and field processing, particularly in rural locations.

Mint oil comes in a variety of species and kinds that are grown all over the world. The following five cultivars are produced on a considerable scale for commercial purposes.

  • Arvensis Mentha
  • Piperita Mentha
  • Spicata Mentha
  • Veridish Mentha
  • Citrate Mentha 

Punjab and Uttar Pradesh are the most prominent mint-growing regions in India. Ludhiana, Jalandhar, and Hoshiarpur are among the districts in Punjab where mint is grown, accounting for about 90% of the entire area.

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Uses of peppermint oil

Our country is primarily known for its Japanese mint (Mentha arvensis). Mentha oil is derived from the leaves or even the complete plants of several mentha species and is used in various ways. As a Dementholised Oil (DMO) and natural menthol, Japanese mint oil is beneficial. Mints are often used as a flavoring component in different pharmaceutical treatments due to their enticing aroma and cooling impact.

Market Potential

Mint oil and its derivatives, such as menthol and DMO, are currently sold and exported in numerous parts of North India. Mint oil and menthol have a sizable market in Japan. India is the world’s second-largest producer of mints and their by-products. India earns Rs. 60–70 crores each year by exporting mints and derivatives around the globe.

Project Startup Schedule

While planning for the project, you’ll need to do the following steps:

  • Site selection: 1 month
  • Peppermint oil Project report preparation: 1 week.
  • Production unit udyam registration.
  • NOC: 2 weeks
  • Pollution Control Board (PCB): 1 month.
  • Bank loan: 1 month.
  • Recruiting staff: 1 month.
  • Installing machines and electrifying equipment: 2 weeks.
  • Availability of raw materials and packaging: 2 weeks 

Licence & Registrations

You should double-check the numerous permits and licenses that you’ll need from the local Government.

  • Register your firm with the ROC.
  • Trade license
  • MSME Udyam registration.
  • Obtain a factory license.
  • Obtain a food operator license.
  • BIS certification.
  • NOC from the pollution control board.
  • AGMARK certification.
  • Fire license.
  • Obtain ISO856:2006.
  • FSSAI is required since Peppermint Oil Manufacturing is categorized as a food processing enterprise.

Space Required

A minimum of 300 – 500 square meters is necessary to start a Peppermint Oil Manufacturing project. This is dependent on your company’s scalability.

Raw Materials

From which oil is derived, Mint leaves are the most essential raw materials required to establish a mint oil manufacturing firm.

Key points of the project report

The project report of the peppermint oil manufacturing unit includes all the necessary information. The main points included in the peppermint oil manufacturing  project report are as follows.

Sr. No.Particulars
1Purpose Of The Document
2Project At A Glance
3Cost Of Project
4Means Of Finance
5Product Introduction
6Uses & Market Potential
7Machinery Requirement
8Raw Material
9Extraction Process
10Project Infrastructure
11Land And Building
13Power And Fuel
14Bank Term Loan And Working Capital
16Licences And Registrations
17Implementation Schedule
18Financial Aspects
19Cash Flow Statement
20Projected Balance Sheet
21Projected Profitability Statement
22Computation Of Processing
23Computation Of Working Capital Requirement
24Break Up Of Labour
25Break Up Of Salary
26Computation Of Depreciation
27Repayment Schedule Of Term Loan
28Calculation Of D.S.C.R
29Computation Of Sale
30Computation Of Electricity
31Break Even Point Analysis
32Financial Indicators/ Ratio Analysis
33Plant & Machinery List

Production Method


The three steps in the production of menthol crystals are as follows:

  1. Freezing of the mint oil.
  2. Using centrifugation, separate the oil crystals from the leftover oIl.
  3. Dry the crystals: After gathering the mint oil from your sources, it should be filtered thoroughly before cooling, as it often contains water and mucilaginous particles, which obstruct the rapid formation of menthol crystals. Some manufacturers utilize a filter for crystallization and also centrifuge the oil.
  • Crystallization: The refined oil is gradually cooled to a lower temperature, causing menthol crystals to develop. Three phases are involved in the freezing process. (I) Cooling at 14°C(II)10°C and (III) -5°C for hours. The entire process may take up to 48 hours and a temperature of -20°C to complete. Some manufacturers use large refrigerator compartments. Regular freezer chambers are available in the larger plants. The slow and gradual cooling allows for the creation of big, homogeneous crystals.
  • A Process of separation of Menthol Crystals from the Dementholised Oil. First, decanting the leftover liquid oil from the crystal and then centrifuging the crystals at 1200 RPM in centrifuges. During the centrifuge process, some manufacturers even want to use less water to cleanse the crystals.
  • Drying of the Menthol Crystals: The centrifuged crystals are placed on trays and dried for 36 hours in a continuous air flow at a temperature of around 26°C in big cabinets or specific rooms. The crystal is now ready to be packaged and sold on the market.
Steam distillation

One of the most common methods for extracting essential oils from plants, leaves, and flowers is steam distillation, in which 100g of plant raw material was placed in the chamber of the essential oil distillation still during the steam distillation process, and steam went through the plant matter. When steam passes through plant matter, it picks up the oils and transports them to a separate chamber where they are cooled and condensed. The essential oil was then extracted from the water and stored in bottles to be utilized later.

Extraction of solvents

Sixty grams of fresh and dry peppermint were combined with 700 ml of ethyl alcohol in a shaker for six hours at 70°C. The oil was then recovered by evaporating the solvent with a rotary evaporator. Thereafter solvent was removed under a laboratory fume hood within 30 minutes at 37°C streams afterward being kept in the dark bottle in the refrigerator.

Soxhlet Extraction

Weighted 100g of fresh and dry peppermint were placed in a soxhlet device. Hexane solvent (300 mL) was added. The solvent was heated to reflux, after which the vapour traveled up a distillation arm and flooded into the chamber containing the solid thimble. The condenser ensures that any solvent vapour cools before dripping back into the solid material chamber. The warm solvent was progressively poured into the compartment housing the solid substance. In the heated solvent, some of the desired chemicals dissolve. The syphon was used to empty the Soxhlet chamber when it was nearly complete. The solvent was poured back into the flask for distillation.

The thimble prevents any solid material from being transported to the still pot by the rapid action of the solvent. A fraction of the non-volatile component dissolves in the solvent throughout each cycle. The advantage of this approach was that instead of passing multiple batches of warm solvent through the sample, only one batch was recycled. The solvent was removed after extraction, usually with a rotary evaporator, producing the extracted oil.

Business Plan for Peppermint Oil

You must prepare an excellent project report and business plan that includes the following points to start up a commercial production unit of Peppermint Oil:

  • Peppermint Oil Market Potential.
  • Peppermint Oil Business Presumptions and Assumptions.
  • Area or Land Required for Starting Peppermint Oil Manufacturing Business.
  • Raw Materials Required for Starting Peppermint Oil Manufacturing Business.
  • List of Machinery Required for Starting Peppermint Oil Manufacturing Business.
  • Peppermint Oil Manufacturing Process.
  • Project Economics of Peppermint Oil Manufacturing Business.
  • Profitability in Peppermint Oil Manufacturing Business.

During the Covid -19 pandemic, there has been a worldwide increase in the consumption of natural and organic immune boosters, resulting in a growing demand for mint essential oil and its crystal form. Furthermore, the increasing demand for healthy and organic food, beverage, and cosmetic applications presents a tremendous market opportunity for the mint essential oils market’s leading players. As a result, producers of mint-based products are encouraged to engage in long-term supply chains to ensure that they can meet the ever-increasing demand for high-quality mint oil.

Globally, the broad category of mint-based fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) – cosmetics (toothpaste, mouthwash, shaving creams, shampoos, etc.), chewing gums, household cleaning products, and so on – is continuing to develop strongly. By 2025, demand for the commodity is expected to reach an astounding 66.38 kilotons. It will be one of the most profitable sectors in the globe, with a predicted market value of US$ 395.64 million by 2027 and a growth rate of 9.30 % from 2019 to 2027.

Menthol crystals, which are cool, refreshing, and have a minty aroma, are ideal for any product that requires a strong flavor and the ability to cure pain and calm the body; therefore, natural menthol crystal has recently become a significant market player.

Market Economics

In 2019, North America accounted for 34.8 % of the mint and breath freshener market, followed by Europe and the Asia Pacific. The growth in the use of breath fresheners by smokers and alcoholics is the main factor behind it.

The product’s minty aroma promotes product acceptance in numerous cleaning products, resulting in rising demand for the Cleaning and Home category at a CAGR of 9.9% over the projection period.

The Medical segment is expected to develop at a CAGR of 9.8% in the Asia-Pacific region. This is attributable to the region’s expanding healthcare business, which is driven by the region’s growing population.

Spa and relaxation accounted for 74.4 % of the entire market in 2019 and is predicted to grow at an annual rate of 8.2 % in the future.

Corn mint oil, with a market share of 38.7% in 2019, was the most popular. This is because menthol has a higher concentration than other types and is easier to extract. It contains antibacterial, antispasmodic, antiphlogistic, carminative, and digestive qualities, making it a popular ayurvedic and natural medicine ingredient.

Indian Scenario

Mints have been widely grown in India for more than 50 years. In recent years, India has risen to become the world’s largest producer of Mentha oil and its derivatives and a significant export hub. China (9 %), Brazil (7 %), and the United States (7 %) all contribute roughly 80% of total global Mentha oil production (4 %). It exports several varieties of mint oil to China, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Singapore, and Japan, among other countries.

In a similar vein, despite variations throughout the years, India remains the world’s largest exporter of menthol (with a 33 % share of global exports). India is the world’s largest supplier of menthol, followed by China (22 %), Germany (22 %), and Japan (9 %).

India has 0.3 million hectares under mint cultivation, producing over 30,000 metric tonnes of Mentha oil each year, exporting 75 % of it.


Mentha oil is derived from the mentha plant and is mostly sold in two ways. First, manufacturers of mentha oil sell their products to mentha oil traders/aggregators in different parts of the country. Second, local traders and aggregators buy mentha oil directly from producers and sell it to more prominent traders or processors in other areas.

The promoters appoint distributors in different states and create contacts with similar-type shops and products offered in the market with their assistance. Distributors and retailers would receive a more significant portion of the company’s profits.

The company will also sell its products to retail outlets such as Big Bazaar, Reliance Trends, and malls and form partnerships with local and other hotels and restaurants that offer attractive packages to increase demand for its product. It is expected that product sales will be unaffected by high quality, cost-effectiveness, and cute packaging.

What drives demand for Indian menthol among worldwide importers, and why is it so popular?

Northern India has become a center for producing high-quality mint oil and menthol due to low production costs and a climate conducive to menthol growth. As an agricultural commodity, demand for natural menthol is influenced by price. Several variables affect the market, including synthetic menthol competition, Chinese supplies, and so forth. The rising demand is also due to a recent scarcity of synthetic menthol.

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Buy the project report of peppermint oil manufacturing immediately. It contains information about the process in peppermint oil manufacturing Project. Along with this, you can also buy project reports for Betel Vine Oil, Menthol Mint Oil, Harra Oil and Castor Oil manufacturing business.

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