Jackfruit Processing Project Report



Jackfruit business plan pdf contains all the important information about this business. You can immediately download the Jackfruit Processing project report in PDF format. You can download the jackfruit processing project report by paying a nominal fee. One will be able to use this project report as a business plan or map that will guide you in investing wisely in this business and assist you in tough times. 

The jackfruit processing business plan contains all major details like marketing strategy, financials, processing, hiring personnel, equipment etc. It will help you avail bank loan for your business. It is mandatory to present a project report to the banker so that they can explore your plans and decide to give you a loan or reject it. If you are facing any problem in writing a project report or lack time, we are there to assist you. You can download it from our website in a gist of time and can also get a personalized project report on the jackfruit processing business from our experts. 

These reports will help you prepare a project report as per your objectives. This report will also be helpful in studying the project and gathering information about the project.

The jackfruit is one of the world’s most well-known and biggest tree fruits. In India, jackfruit is the most important tropical fruit. In the warm, humid temperature of the hill slopes and the hot, humid climate of the plains, Jack grows well and produces a good yield.

Jackfruit Processing Business Project Report

It is great news that you are planning to start a jackfruit processing business. A well-written project report on the jackfruit processing business can take your business to great heights. You can get the customized jackfruit processing project report as it will be written as per the standards of your business. One can get all the crucial details about the registration and licensing of this venture as well. Entrepreneurs might lack time as it is precious, and you want to plan a lot of things. The businessmen can simply buy a project report sample of jackfruit processing business and write their own jackfruit business plan that matches your standards. It is among the best food business ideas

In India’s Eastern and Southern parts, jackfruit is regarded as a “poor man’s meal.” India is known as the jackfruit’s birthplace. It may be found in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, the Himalayan foothills, and the southern Indian states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The tree’s delicate fruits are utilised as veggies, while the ripe ones are used as table fruits. Traditional cultivars only produce fruit once a year.

Flowering usually begins in mid-November and lasts until mid-February, depending on the region and type. From March through August, the delicate fruits are available for purchase. In June, the fruits begin to ripen. Assam and Tripura produce the majority of India’s jackfruit, with Assam’s total yearly output estimated to be in the neighbourhood of 1,75,000 tonnes. However, due to its intrinsic compositional and textural qualities, the fruit is perishable and cannot be kept for lengthy periods.

Every year, a significant proportion of jackfruit, particularly during the glut season (June-July), is wasted (30–34%) owing to a lack of adequate post-harvest expertise during harvesting, transportation, and storage. Processing is a major method of preserving jackfruit. It expands the healthy menu with more diverse and appealing food options and contributes to revenue creation and employment. 

How to Download Jackfruit Processing Business Plan

Gone is the time when you had to write your own project proposal for the jackfruit processing unit by researching and market analysis. Now you can get it ready-made in your hand in a couple of seconds. You can instantly download the jackfruit processing project report in PDF format.

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Market Potential

Because of its sweetness, jackfruit is a popular fruit among many people. It’s abundant in vitamins B and C, potassium, calcium, iron, proteins, and carbs, and it’s a cheap and easy-to-find complement to our main foods. Jackfruit is also high in several vitamins and minerals. It can provide customers with an entire supply of nutrients. In terms of a healthier balance of nutrients for human nutritional needs, the fruit is comparable to avocado and olives, virtually having the identical nutrient equivalents of mother’s milk. Because it is a large and heavy fruit, shipping is difficult and expensive. As a result, downstream goods with a longer shelf life may be readily transported while also adding value.

Sample Project Report Format

In our project proposal for jackfruit processing unit, we cover technology details, diagrams, flow charts etc. as and when required or deemed fit to include. Also, prepare in-depth financial calculations which is necessary for the Investor/bank.

You will get the project report data on Jackfruit Processing Manufacturing Business in PDF which you can use easily. One can also modify the information according to your needs. The entrepreneurs will be able to access the data easily according to your requirements.

Mission and Objectives

  1. To assist jackfruit farmers in increasing their income by:
  • encouraging ‘grafting’ with high-yielding jackfruit varieties.
  • Promote a suitable ‘package of practices’.
  • Facilitate the adoption of appropriate harvesting methods and post-harvest technologies.
  • Encourage the practice of ‘grading’ at the farmer level.

2. Reduce wastage of the fruit and enhance the value addition by:

  • Promotion of ‘nano’ companies for ‘minimal’ jackfruit processing.
  • Supporting existing micro units through re-training and ‘clustering’ to decrease fruit waste and increase value-added.

3. To make jackfruit processing appealing to entrepreneurs through:

  • Market development initiatives such as ‘Jackfruit Fest.
  • Incubation facility for tech start-ups seeking to build high-value-added goods for ‘niche’ markets (health food for people with diabetes, for instance).

How To Set Up Jackfruit Processing Unit in India?

You need to plan in detail and do detailed market research when you make up your mind to start your jack fruit processing unit in India. It can be set up on a small, medium or large scale. You need to check out the investment you need to start a jack fruit processing unit. It is a highly profitable business that requires investment as per the scale of the business. You need to preserve jack fruits as they are seasonal, and you can earn good money by selling them in the off-season. You need to check out the detailed project report for making the right decisions at the right time in this business. You can store jack fruit in cold storage

Manufacturing Process

Jackfruit is heavy and thick, and the number of bulbs or edible components recovered ranges between 20% and 25%. The jackfruit is a fibrous fruit. It has a thick waste skin that surrounds seeded fruit pods and is covered in fibrous tissue. The bulbs are carefully removed after cutting the fruit into numerous pieces. Because the fruit contains sticky latex, some edible oil is applied to the hands before the seeds are extracted from the bulbs. 

How To Process Jackfruit?

You can get jackfruit at a nominal price during the harvesting season. Proper value addition can make jackfruit available during the off-season as well and this can provide additional income to the farmers in the country. Jackfruit being a multipurpose species prides on timber, food, medicinal and industrial products and also fuel and fodder.

The jackfruit’s primary economic product is the fruit that is used when matured and unripe. Every part of this fruit tree is healthy and of economic value. One can roast jackfruit seeds like chestnuts and can even boil them. The pulp of jackfruit is tasty and sweet and can be used as a dessert. It can also be preserved as a syrup.

The seeds and fruit is processed in a number of ways for food and food products like squash, wine, preserved flakes, papads, pickles, chips, ice cream, etc. The leaves of jackfruit, inflorescence, seeds, latex etc. are used in traditional medicines.

The wood of the jackfruit tree is used in a variety of ways. Being a nutritional fruit, it is rich in potassium, iron, vitamins A, B and C. It is also good in carbohydrates, calcium, iron, proteins etc. As it has a high level of carbohydrates, its supplements are used in times of scarcity of jackfruit in other regions of the country. Jackfruit has starchy flesh and is a strong dietary fibre.

Value Additions in Jackfruit

Jackfruit is an underutilized fruit. It has good potential for value addition. A large variety of items can be produced from jackfruit from the initial stage to the ripening of this fruit. Each item has its own unique qualities and has different tastes, shelf life, preferences etc.

Since it is of large size and heaviness, packaging and transportation are required to make it a successful venture in jackfruit processing in India. Thus, the value-added products have great relevance for commercial purposes rather than the entire unit. Jackfruit can be preserved using many techniques like freezing, canning, and converting it into other products.

Jackfruit Processing Training

Special training programmes are conducted to provide processing of jackfruit for value addition so that it can create supplementary income for tribal people. It is usually organized by CHES in Bhubaneshwar under some tribal sub-plan. During the practical sessions in this training programme, tribal trainees are provided hands-on training so that they can know about the processing and preparation of value-added products obtained from raw jackfruit for commercial scale in this region.

Training is given about the procedure of minimal raw jackfruit processing by involving various steps like selection of jackfruit, and peeling it mechanically. You can use raw jackfruit peeler for this purpose. It also involves pre-treatment using citric acid so that browning can be checked. Packing is done in poly bags and marketing is done too.

Marketing can be done by highlighting the potential and importance of processing and marketing the jackfruit and its various products. The participants in the training are given training with peelers and processing techniques. It is practically peeled and cut along with packing the cut pieces.

A special session is conducted on hands-on training for teaching jackfruit pickle, and other products. They are taught how to process jackfruit into raw jack powder, jack brine, jack fries, jack biryani etc. The participants also feel curious about this opportunity where they can learn jack fruit processing and about prospects of undertaking the jackfruit processing business in season. The participants are also motivated to undertake this business and store jackfruits for the rest of the season as well. 

List of Jackfruit Related Business Ideas

Process for Jackfruit Chips

The basic raw material for fried jack chips is fully developed unripe jackfruit. Manual cutting is used to harvest the edible bulbs from the jackfruit. A sharp stainless steel knife coated with edible oil cuts the fruits along their equatorial axis.

The bulbs are then removed from the rind and placenta with care. It’s crucial to handle the bulbs with care so that they don’t become damaged. There are so many latest jackfruit processing equipment available in the market. Using the Jackfruit chips cutting machine, the newly removed entire bulbs are deseeded and sliced to the desired size, yielding finger chips ranging in size from 15 to 40 mm. When necessary, bulb slices are obtained for physical and biological examination.

The cut bulb slices are blanched for 5 minutes in 90°C water containing 0.1 per cent KMS, then drained at room temperature for 15 minutes. Using culinary grade sunflower oil, drained bulb slices (250 grammes) are deep-fat fried. For all frying trials, the Slice: Oil Ratio is constant at 1:4 at three different temperatures of 160, 180, and 200°C for three different frying periods of 6, 7, and 8 minutes. The fried chips are seasoned with a 2:1 combination of salt and dried chilli powder (8 mg/100 grams). They are sealed with a sealing machine and put in plastic bags.

Process for Jackfruit Pickle

Unripe jackfruits are used to make pickles. Peel the jackfruit using a knife dipped in oil. The skin should be peeled. Peeled fruits should be cut into 12- to 18-mm thick pieces. Make a 5% common salt solution by combining 50 g salt per litre of water. Place the slices in a jar with the brine solution and cover. To keep them submerged in the brine, weigh them down. After 24 hours, drain the slices through a stainless-steel sieve and wash them to remove the extra salt. For 1 kilogramme peeled jackfruit, grind and combine the following spices: 25 g coriander seeds, 10-20 g chilli powder, 10 g salt, 2.5 g turmeric powder, and 150 g of sugar.

Cook the jackfruit slices with the spice combination and the vinegar (10 ml/kg). Thirty minutes in a stainless-steel boiling pan, stirring occasionally. Fill pre-sterilised jars halfway with pickles and shut. Before labelling, let the jars cool to room temperature.

Process for Jackfruit Jam

The bulbs are manually removed from ripe fruits after they have been sliced into numerous pieces. After that, the bulbs are boiled for 15 minutes and pulped, with the core removed. Remove the seeds from the bulb’s end and crush the bulbs to a pulp in a blender. 10 gm pectin per kilogramme mixed fruit pulp should be dissolved in water and added to the mixture. Mix in 1 kg of sugar per kilogramme of mixed fruit pulp.

In a stainless-steel pot, heat the mixture, constantly stirring, until the total sugar content reaches 68-70 °C, then pour into pre-sterilised jam jars and seal. The optimal pouring temperature is between 82 and 85 °C. Allow jars to cool to room temperature before labelling. The final product has a golden colour, a TSS of 68° Brix, a semisolid consistency, and a nice flavour. However, because the result is somewhat sticky, more process refinement is required to create a viable product.

Process for Dehydrated Jackfruit

Fruit should be cut in half lengthwise. Using a knife, carve off the fruit’s core. Remove the bulbs using a scoop. To get the seeds out of the bulbs, cut the end off. Cut the bulb into 2 or 4 pieces once it has been deseeded. Blanch the fruit segments in boiling water for 2 minutes before quickly cooling them under cold water.

Place the blanched components on mesh drying trays in a single layer. To get the most capacity and a consistent pace of drying, place them near together but not touching. Place trays in the drying cabinet and dry for 6-7 hours at 55° C, or until the moisture content is decreased to 5%. Remove trays from the oven and immediately store dried fruits in moisture-proof containers, such as 400 gauge polythene or polypropylene pouches, which should be heat-sealed.

Jack Fruit Processing Machine

You can get jack fruit processing equipment both online and offline. It can be a manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic machine. You will have to spend money accordingly as a fully automatic jack fruit processing machine will be costly and it will increase your investment cost but will reduce your labour cost too. It will make your task easy and quick. You can check out the latest jackfruit processing machines online. You will be taught how to operate it by the vendor. 

Licence & Registration

To establish a Jackfruit business, Licence, Registration, and permission are required.

There is a list of licences & registrations is required to initiate your business in India:

  • Trade License
  • FSSAI Registration
  • Firm/ ROC Registration
  • Pollution Certificate
  • FPO Act
  • Trademark
  • GST Registration
  • IEC Code
  • EPF and ESI Registrations
  • MSME / SSI Udyam Registration.

Investment Required & Profit Earned

You may start a Jackfruit company in India with just one unit. A minimum investment of Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 1,50,000 is required. You can make a lot of money even with a small investment.

It is feasible to achieve a profit margin of 20-25 per cent in a year, and your profit will rise with time. It is contingent on the quality of your goods.

Marketing strategies

Marketing strategies for the jackfruit industry in India.

You’ll need to set up a well-connected distribution route. For domestic selling, numerous large e-commerce businesses and supermarkets are usually viable choices. It’s critical to figure out a marketing plan for your jackfruit business in India.

First and foremost, you must determine your marketing plan for your jackfruit business in India.

Three elements must be included in the marketing plan:

  • To entice potential consumers and ensure that they are aware of the brand.
  • For disseminate information about the health advantages of jackfruit intake.
  • To move on with ads utilising local magazines, banners, and critic reviews.
Challenges in Marketing Jackfruit and Value-added Products

Lack of a Marketing Chain: There is no solid marketing chain for jackfruit, and farm-level transactions are based chiefly on ready cash payment. The market prices are set by middlemen, resulting in producer exploitation. According to estimates, only 30 to 35 per cent of overall production is eaten as food, and 70 per cent is wasted during the pre- and post-harvest stages.

Non-existent Post-Harvesting Practices: Middlemen receive orders from exporters, collect crops from farmers/local marketplaces, and deliver them to the exporters on the day of shipping. As a result, post-harvest losses are significant due to inadequate packaging materials, which often consist of bamboo baskets or second-hand cartons.

Insufficient Processing Units for Value Addition: The lack of interest displayed by the manufacturers has resulted in a scarcity of processed items on the local market. However, only local consumption was documented for primary processing at the home level using traditional methods, and these conventional goods are still uncommon on the market. Within the nation, there are just a few commercial-scale processing factories.

Consumer awareness: There is a lot of waste due to a lack of knowledge about the uses of mature jackfruit and the few recognised recipes for the fruit, especially in North East India. Compared to some Southeast Asian nations such as Vietnam and the Philippines, there are few government activities marketing or spreading the fruit. These nations have specific Jackfruit programmes, as well as substantial government backing for value-added goods and exports. There are more than five particular institutes for Jackfruit in Sri Lanka, but none in India. In India, jackfruit is still regarded as a small fruit, and it is considered a poor man’s meal in many rural regions. 

Contents of Jackfruit Processing Project Report
Sr. No.Particulars
1Project at a Glance
2Highlights of The Project
3General Information and Location
4Promoters Background
5Project Introduction
6The Project Proposal
7Prospect for Investment
8Potential Target Customers/Market
9Marketing Strategy
10Critical Success Factors
11Process Details and Technical Aspects
12Jackfruit Chips Process Details
13Pickles Jackfruit Process Details
14Process Details Jackfruit Jam
15Process Details Dehydrated Jackfruit
16Quality Specifications
17Installed and Operational Capacity
18Raw Materials and Consumables
19Power and Utility
20Tentative Implementation Schedule
21Basis & Presumptions
22Capital Investment Estimates
23Plant and Machinery
24Computation of Working Capital Requirement
25Estimated Cost of The Project
26Proposed Means of Financing
27Estimated Annual Sales Turnover
28Projected Profitability Statement
29Calculation of Interest Amount
30Depreciation Schedule
31Term Loan Repayment Schedule
32Debt Service Coverage Ratio
33Break-Even Analysis
34Projected Cash Flow Statement
35Projected Balance Sheet
36Internal Rate of Return
37Pay Back Period
38Permits and Business Licenses
39Important Steps to Start the Project
40Tips to Identify Suitable Project Location
Conclusion Of Jackfruit Processing Project Report 

In India, the jackfruit industry is a small-scale food company with a lot of promise. The versatility of jackfruit’s application in many foods has increased its worth. This business has a lot of potential for small-scale food business aficionados. At Aatmnirbhar Sena, we want to capture the attention of aspiring entrepreneurs so that they may consider this type of company as a way to get their firm off the ground.

Frequently Asked Questions On Jackfruit Processing Project Report
Where can I get Jackfruit Processing sample project report for bank loan pdf?

Well, you can explore the best jackfruit processing business project report PDF on our website and take help by checking out all the important details for your new business from it. It will serve as a guide using which you can write your own jackfruit processing unit project report and submit it to the bank to avail a loan for your new venture.

What is the right jackfruit processing project report format for a bank loan?

We have clearly stated the right format for jackfruit processing start-up in our project report. You can check out the project report details by downloading it after making a nominal payment to us. We have covered every important aspect of this venture in our report.

Can I download jackfruit processing project report in the format of excel or word file?

You can easily download jackfruit products manufacturing project report from our website in PDF Format and use it for writing your project report. If you want to get it in Word or excel file. It is very simple to later convert the pdf to Word or excel using free file converting tools.

Can I download jackfruit processing business project report and use it for bank loan under pmegp mudra and other government schemes?

The main objective of this project report is to highlight all important aspects of this business for your new set up and to provide sample format for preparing project reports for other purposes. However, according to your need, we will prepare a customized project report for your set-up so that you can get a loan from the bank under any scheme.

How to start jackfruit processing business in India?

Jackfruit is a very popular fruit in India. Dealing with jackfruits can make you rich. This being a new industry, is highly profitable. It has a huge market potential. You can start a jackfruit processing business by simply growing jackfruits in your farms. You can even process them after buying them from the house of others. You can sell jackfruit on a large scale to the retailers as well. Overall, this is a highly profitable start-up that can help you make good money.

How much money is needed in jackfruit processing business in India?

You can start a jackfruit manufacturing business in India with a cost of Rs 1 lakh. You will be required to buy raw materials for a cost of Rs 80 thousand and 20,000 you may spend on miscellaneous expenditures. This is the cost of a small-scale business idea. If you wish to start this business on a large scale, then more cost is needed.

What is the difference between jackfruit and durian?

Jackfruit is a fruit that is fibrous and dense but durians, on the other hand, are creamy just like bananas. Durian is a mixture of cheese, almonds, onions and caramel whereas jackfruit tastes like a cross between banana and mango.

Is it possible to export jackfruit from India?

Yes, it is very much possible to export jackfruit from India to the countries where its production is less or negligible. Every year, tonnes of jackfruit is exported from India and the exporters are making good money from this business. If you want to start a jackfruit export business in India, then you can do it easily. Jackfruit carries many uses and is good for health. Therefore, its demand is high in every country of the world.

Can I start jackfruit powder business in India?

Jackfruit powder business is one of the profitable businesses in India. Jackfruit seeds are used to produce powder. This powder is known as jackfruit powder. It is in high demand in India and worldwide. The cost of jackfruit powder per kg is Rs 200. Jackfruit powder is very popular. It is a healthy option against refined flour. It is also used as a meat alternative in vegetarian recipes. You can start this business under jackfruit processing business only.

Are jackfruit processing machines available in India?

Yes, jackfruit processing machines are available in India. You can buy a manual jackfruit processing machine for under 7 lakh and a fully automatic one at 15 lakh and above. These machines can help you process jackfruit with ease and in less time. One-time investment can help you make good income.

How to process jackfruit in India?

You need to wear gloves first of all. This fruit has a spine sort of surface that can give you itching. Then you should cut the jackfruit into two halves crosswise. Later slices are cut and pieces are done. Its fruit pods are separated using a knife. Fruit pods are pulled out and the white fibre is removed along with the tips. It is not tough to cut a jackfruit. It is a mandatory step to get jackfruit ready for processing.

What is the jackfruit drying process?

The jackfruit slices are arranged in layers on dehydrating trays. There should be space between each piece so that air can circulate. The hydrator requires a temperature of 135 F degrees. The time taken is 8 to 12 hours for jackfruit to dry completely for further use.

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