top 10 business ideas in Assam

Top 10 Best Business Ideas in Assam 2024

If you are exploring the top 10 best business ideas in Assam 2024, then this is the best place you have come to. We are going to tell you the best ideas for business to start in Assam India. You will also be glad to know that our team of experts provides project reports for various business types that you are going to read further at reasonable rates. You can use this project report to avail bank loan.

Now, for starting a business the first step is to find an accurate place where your business idea can expand and work.

In 2024, there are few places to start a business in India, but the most suitable place to start a business is in the state of Assam. Do you want to know why? It is because the state is in a growing phase. It is at its height of ease for starting a business. That means to start a business idea in Assam is very easy and fast. There is more to Assam other than the tea business.

The areas of expansion of the state are petrochemicals, handloom, personal care products, food processing and tea production. It is also rich in natural resources. It is also getting a boost because of the technology revolution. These factors make the State of Assam a good choice for entrepreneurs. So now comes the second step, which is to have a business idea. Let’s know about the top 10 business ideas in Assam.

Most Profitable and Successful Business Ideas in Assam

Build a Tea HouseSetup Handloom warehouse
Aquaculture at your domestic spacePharmaceutical and Health care house
Travel and Tourism PlannerSet up a Mushroom Production House
All in one grocery storeAgarwood Farming
Aquaculture in your domestic spaceRestaurant: Serve the taste of Assam

List of Startup Plans in Assam

1) Build a Tea House

The first that comes in the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam is the tea business. Assam’s tea is of different varieties as it is dark and rich and has wide leaves. This tea is harvested twice a year. It is famous for its quality and natural beauty. It is high in minerals and helps in a stronger immune system, reduces fat, helps in fighting cancer and is good for digestion. The state alone produces more than half of the country’s tea production. Its average production is 630-700 million kg. It is the state’s main export industry, is a popular drink and is the first pick anyone can have for a business idea in Assam. A tea processing unit can yield high profits in this business.

It is a recession-free business because most people drink tea two or three times a day. Having a tea business in Assam is like having a business of the main product of the state. You can start at any time because there is no particular season for this. It’s an all-time product. You can also start to provide snacks with the main tea business. This business idea in Assam is a great opportunity through which you can get a good start.

2) Set up a Handloom Warehouse

If you are someone who possesses handloom skills, then this business idea in Assam can be a great start for you. It is one of the oldest industries in the state of Assam. The state’s silk fabrics have got a huge identity all around the world. The state has a rich art in the handloom department.

People across the country want to have the handloom products of this state. The demand for these products is rising, which makes this business profitable. The famous handloom products of Assam are Paat silk, Muga silk, and Eri silk among which is one the finest and is only produced in this state. In earlier days this was the primary qualification for young girls. The women of this state have mastered this skill. Mahatma Gandhi also praised the weaving skill of the Assamese people. This opportunity is the second which comes in the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam.

3) Aquaculture at Your Domestic Place

The third in the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam is the fisheries industry. In the Northeastern region, Assam alone has more than 2.86 lakh of various water resources including rivers, beels, ponds, etc. Assamese people love fish, so there is a great demand for fish markets in the state. The fisheries department of Assam aims to promote economic farming. Assam’s fish production industry has shown an increase, and the government is also introducing various schemes for the industry. So, this business idea in Assam is the most profitable. You require a good location and equipment and then you are good to enter this industry.

Also, Read the Article on Top 20 Agriculture Business Ideas in 2022.

4. Pharmaceutical and Health Care House

The fourth in the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam is the Pharma industry. The state lacks in this department, but due to the Covid-19 people are focusing more on health and are also becoming more aware about health care, even the people of Assam. There is very little competition in this field and it has not reached its economic peak, so the entrepreneurs are more than welcome to have a start-up in the Pharma industry. Healthcare oxygen and pharma businesses in Assam have a very high potential to rise. The Assam government is ready to make investments in this field for the well-being of the people. You can also set up your medical shop in Assam near hospitals and make good money.

5) Travel and Tourism Planner

The tourism sector is thriving in the state of Assam. The state is famous for its natural beauty. It is based on its unique flora and fauna, cultural festivals, tea gardens, beautiful rivers, wildlife, temples etc. which can be explored. People from our country as well as from outside the country come to visit and explore Assam. The government of the state is also focusing on boosting the tourism sector.

There are a few unexplored tourist spots, which are being visualized by the tourism minister. Eco-tourism is also a growing segment. River cruises organised by the government are also great for tourists. So, the tourism business idea in Assam may flourish. Starting a business related to tourism like the facilities of a tourist guide, travel booking, transport, etc. might be a very profitable opportunity. Online marketing can also be adopted for the expansion of the business. This is the fifth in the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam.

6) Educational institutions

The sixth in the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam is the Education field. The education sector is a vast area to start as a business. Nowadays every village or city has a wide group of aspiring students in different fields, looking for guidance. There is a wide range of students in Assam in need of guidance in the education sector. You can start a small playschool, or coaching Institute for high or middle school students, or provide higher-level coaching for courses like IIT, CAT, SSC, and UPSC preparation. This field is not explored fully in the state and can be a good opportunity to start a new business idea for Assam.

7) All in One Grocery stores

We learned the importance of groceries in this pandemic era. It is extremely difficult to survive without groceries. During the lockdown, many families were not able to get grocery products. So, having a grocery store nearby is a great help. There are many places in Assam where grocery stores are needed. It’s a kind of small business, but this business idea in Assam can be expanded with new strategies. You can start from a small shop but with the help of technology, it can run in online mode too. Having a good quality and wide variety of products will attract many customers because getting everything near your house is what everyone wants nowadays. This is the seventh in the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam.

8) Agarwood Farming and Supply in the Medicine and Perfume industry

The eighth in the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam is the Agarwood industry. Agarwood is native to Assam and is used for religious purposes, medicine and for making perfumes. It has a demand in the Arab countries. However, the Government is also to protect this native tree, by passion schemes related to that. They provide incentives to farmers for growing this tree. There is no investment required to grow this tree, they grow on their own. For diversification and revenue growth, the bigger tea companies are also planting this tree. Everyone likes to use perfume so you can start a perfume-making business and capture a wide market.

The raw materials required for making agarwood have a huge supply in Assam. The agarwood is sold in India, Europe, Japan, etc which are made in Assam. By starting this business idea in Assam many people got great success. So you can also plan and start this business and take the first step towards success.

Also, Read the Article on Top 50 Manufacturing Business Ideas.

9) Restaurant: Serve the taste of Assam

Food is a need for everyone. Nowadays people tend to explore food places more. But during this pandemic, all restaurant places suffered huge losses. Many food places were permanently closed. Now the pandemic is coming to a normal phase, so opening a restaurant place will be a good business idea in Assam. Having a wide variety of food items including the native food of the place as well as other items will be a great plan to get the business a good start and recognition. The pandemic also introduced online businesses, so running the business on both platforms will be a good expansion idea. Fast food restaurant business in a local busy market is the cherry on the cake when it comes to making money.

10. Set up a Mushroom Production House

The tenth in the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam is mushroom farming. In the northeastern region, mushrooms are in the regular diet of the people. This is a food product which has a good potential to change the economic condition of the region. Mushroom farming will be a great new business idea in Assam.

Mushrooms do not depend on the attribute of arable land. Therefore, it can be cultivated indoors, so the women of the house can also take part in the farming. Mushrooms like calocybe and oysters can be grown very easily. The climate there is suitable for all types of mushrooms. Marketing of mushrooms can be done in various neighbouring countries. These can be grown in dark brick or mudrooms. The paddy straw mushroom can be grown in 6-7 days. The profitable mushrooms to grow are oyster mushrooms, milky mushrooms, paddy straw and button mushrooms. Hence, starting a mushroom business in Assam will be a great idea.

These are the list of top 10 business ideas in Assam. From all the above ideas you can make a fresh start as an entrepreneur. Are you ready for a fresh start? I hope you are because these growing business ideas are great for getting success in 2024. For more information on mushroom cultivation, read our article on project report and business plan

Below we have answered some common queries which most people have regarding this.

Also, Read the article on Top 25 Steel & Iron Business Ideas.


Is Assam safe for business?

Yes absolutely! The state has been ranked the 17th best state to start a business in India and has been called a fast mover for jumping up to this rank so quickly. The disadvantages and lack of new business were the issues of the past. In 2024, the state is very peaceful and safe and is ready to welcome new business ideas.

Is Assam an expensive state?

No, Assam is a very affordable state. The cost required to live there is very low. Anyone can go and start a life there with minimum money and can start a business or can survive with normal money requirements.

How to start a small business in Assam?

As with any other place, Assam has also good potential for small home-based businesses. Businesses like making candles, dairy business, aquaculture, poultry farming, production of Bhut Jolokia (hottest chilli of the northeastern region), etc. can be done from home.

What business can I start in Assam?

Some of the business plans which are good and can be ventured are financial advising, waste management business, interior designing, yoga and fitness classes, etc.

What business is most profitable in Assam?

The various ideas to start some profitable agro-based businesses in Assam are to open a pig farm for the production of meat and breeding, milk production by cow farming, layer farm for the production of eggs, fish farm, etc.

Which business is best to start in Assam?

Assam has been on a flourishing stage in many business areas. Setting up an already profitable business will yield high results in terms of money, production and sales. Handloom and tea industries mark the history of Assam and are still up and rising. Other business ideas would best include utilizing what has been part of Assam’s natural resources; including coal, water, limestone etc. Their proper application would help maintain productivity and prove beneficial in the long run. Agriculture has been fundamental to Assam and thus practicing Agro-based businesses is sure to profit. Poultry farming, fishery business, and dairy farming among many others are gainful.
Now that we are entering a new world that is majorly supportive of advanced technology, the business of digital marketing is growing rapidly. Also, keeping up with the times businesses of tourism, fitness programs and educational institutions are likely to thrive.

How to register a business in Assam?

Registration can be done in a few simple steps, especially since now we belong to a tech-savvy generation things have become simple with the facility to do most of the things online. Registration though not always necessary is recommended because of the benefits it provides, which are; in case of any conflict regarding your business, you have official documents to present in court. Another is that all the application forms are signed and submitted under an official which marks the authenticity of the forms.
With some basic information you can fill out the application, your name, name of the firm, location of the business, numbers and names of partners involved and you are good to go. While registering some norms are to be followed which are suggested under the government guidelines.
The final steps to registering the firm are taking a witness, briefing about the business, signature of all partners, attaching all documents mandated, registration fee, license and registration number obtained and lastly photocopies for all the documents previously lodged.

What business is best in Assam with low investment?

Economically, Assam has seen growth primarily in the agrarian sector, specifically tea production. All the other sectors have either medium or small-scale production. Also, because Assam is a major producer of natural resources it has helped many businesses to raise that would give large profits that too with low investment.

What are some startup ideas to set up in Assam?

Candle-making is the best plan that you can think of going ahead as an entrepreneur. It can be done with a small start budget and does not require any out-of-reach places or products. Assam as it is rich in many resources can easily facilitate the business idea. Adding something new or deciding the particulars your business would sell can help you expand the startup gradually.
Setting up preschools is another startup idea which is now popularizing in Assam or to say globally because of the demand for quality education from a very tender age. From learning through books to real-life exposure activities people want to enroll their children in schools that offer both. You can either set up your school after fulfilling the desired requirements or you can look to associate with some franchise.
Lifestyle startups are trendy and contribute to the well-being of society as well. They are not just about styling your outfits or makeup but have also expanded into fitness and dance organizations. Online platforms and social media can be taken up to good use by doing what you love and also increasing your reach to others.
Tourism is in itself a growing industry and Assam with its beauty smoothens the way for this business idea to grow here. Not much investment is required and even if you do it will last and also prove worthy with the profit you make.
Many more startups can be thought of pursued for as the state progresses it broadens the horizon of the jobs that can be done with the right knowledge and skills.

Which type of business is best in Assam?

Tea-bag making is the best business you can think of in Assam as it is a leading producer of tea. And for this, you require just two things- tea and paper bags and with this, you can turn around the business market with moderate investment. Another business with the same product can be Tea Processing which would give greater revenues. The fishery business in Assam is supported by the state government with the idea of promoting fish commercially in all the water bodies within the state. With accurate knowledge of this idea, you can turn it into a successful venture even throughout the world.

Which business is best in Assam?

You can choose one from business ideas that include setting up computer centres or automotive body parts, for they are not only economically potential but also support the general public and are self-rewarding.

What are new business ideas in Assam?

All the business ideas that we have stated here are new and up-to-date that you can use to plan your new venture. There are project reports available for all these business ideas on our website. You will need them to avail financial assistance from banks and financial institutions.

Which Business Is Best In Assam?

Assam is not known for its tea business but many businesses can bring you profits here. The best business in my opinion here is the pharmaceutical and healthcare business because medical aids never fail in any part of the world. Once you select the best business idea in Assam 2024 you can buy a project report from us.

How To Start A New Business In Assam?

There is no fixed way to start a new business in Assam. You simply need to choose a business type first and do market research. So many things like where to start, how to start and when to start need to be sorted. Then you will require a project report for your business that you can buy from us and apply for a bank loan to get funds.

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