You can immediately download the Pet Bottle Recycling Project Report in PDF format from this website. The objective of the project report is to guide potential new entrepreneurs in the bottle recycling industry. The documents are a model report, and the papers help prepare project reports for bank loans and other purposes.
PET bottles are increasingly replacing glass bottles in the beverage and food sector. The success of PET is based on several economic (and environmental) advantages compared to glass. PET production is, on the one hand, less expensive and energy-intensive than glass production. Secondly, the PET bottle’s lightweight makes it easier for merchants and consumers to handle bottles and crates. It saves energy during transportation, especially on long-distance haulage.
In conclusion, PET offers more or less the same physical properties as glass for cleanliness, taste and gas impermeability. The consumption of bottled water has increased tremendously over the years. Plastics are important and contribute positively to packaging in a variety of ways. By sorting and processing plastic packaging primarily inhomogeneous streams, value and market availability for the aggregated plastics packaging industry are maximized. Plastic bottles, plastic tubs and plastic bags have the potential to be recycled.
Polyethene terephthalate (“PET”) formed from post-consumer beverage and water bottles is one of the fastest increasing types of plastic material collected for recycling. Bottles made of plastic for beverages and other juices are more preferably used. The increasing use of plastics in industrial and consumer applications, coupled with increased consumer awareness of solid waste recycling, has increased the demand for recycled plastic resins and products. Polyethene terephthalate (“PET”) generated from post-consumer beverage and water bottles is one of the fastest increasing types of plastic collected for recycling. Ripley Plastics will take advantage of opportunities in recycled resins.
How to Download Pet Bottle Recycling Project Report
You can download the Pet Bottle Recycling Project Report from this website. Reports are available in PDF format. You have to pay the fee to download the document, and you can download the project report online instantly by paying.
Recycling Business Profile
PET, or polyethene terephthalate, is a type of plastic that is commonly used today. PET bottles are ubiquitous in our day to day lives – one has to look around to find a PET bottle containing mineral water or soft drinks or a PET bottle used for other applications. Bottles retain their value after being used, and recycled PET (R-PET) can be used in various applications. PET bottles are in high demand among waste collectors as a consumer item. Those who pick up the garbage from the discarded PET bottles will get Rs. 14-15/kg. These bottles are bought by kabadiwalas or waste traders, who employ people to separate, sort and sell them to larger vendors or recyclers.
The caps, neck rings, labels (non PET components) are removed, and the bottles are cut, washed, and sold in ‘washed flakes’. These washed flakes are used (primarily) to make polyester fibres, which are used as filling materials for cushions, pillows, and converted into fabrics for use in clothing, upholstery, etc. These final products can be anywhere from Rs. 50-110/kg; The market for R-PET products is huge. 40+ large manufacturers across India use r-PET as raw material. The PET recycling business is estimated to be (approximately) around In India. This figure ranges between Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 4,000 crore per year.
Key Success Factors
The key to the success of this project is to manufacture good quality plastic chips. Quality standards should be strictly followed. Strong presence in the domestic market. In the local market, traders/wholesalers are already present. Tools and equipment are locally available at affordable prices. The raw material is available in sufficient quantity, and consumers of plastic chips are also available.
Market Potential Polyethylene terephthalate or PET (also known as PETE) is one of the most common types of plastics. The bulk of single-serve plastic bottles, such as those for water, soft drinks, and juices, are PET. PET recycling is reprocessing plastic that has already been used and gives it some new reusable look. For example, this could mean melting soft drink bottles and then pouring them into plastic chairs and tables. PET bottle recycling has grown into a Rs 3,500 crore sector in which over 70% of PET garbage is recycled in the country and is increasing at a 29.9% annual growth rate. In India, almost 70% of polyethene terephthalate bottles are recycled, and the market is estimated to be worth $1 billion at Rs. 3,000- 4,000 crore per annum. During 2018-2022, India is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 10.19 per cent. Investors that put their money into this enterprise will reap the benefits.
Potential Risks
- Raw material feedstock unavailable or scarce for production
- Ripley is confident that it has achieved good availability of low-cost post-consumer PET bottles (feedstock) and Backup sources have been identified.
- Through senior management’s industry-wide contacts, the company has identified potential customers and achieved a commitment to all production capacity at the initial facility.
- Customers have already agreed to buy all of the company’s initial production capacity.
- Excess flakes will be sold to consumers outside of the company.
- Freight is a major cost of operation; Proximity to sources of supply and markets is important. Plastic material is expensive to haul, so entrants need to consider setting up facilities close to the material and markets.
- In many cases, entrants with existing operations would have to consider new separate facilities, reducing economies of scale and making management more difficult. These industry-wide relationships will also allow the company to secure contracts to supply its raw materials at a competitive price.
Important Points of the Project Report
The following are the important points in the project report of Pet Bottle Recycling.
Sr. No. | Particulars |
1 | Executive Summary |
2 | Project Profile |
3 | Project Brief |
4 | Proposed Business Legal Status |
5 | Proposed Capacity |
6 | Location |
7 | Key Success Factors |
8 | Market Potential |
9 | Potential Risks |
10 | Value Chain Of Pet Recycling Chart |
11 | Manufacturing Process |
12 | Flow Chart |
13 | Project At A Glance |
14 | Projected Balance Sheet |
15 | Projected Profitability Statement |
16 | Cash Flow Statement |
17 | Computation Of Production And Sales |
18 | Computation Of Working Capital Requirement |
19 | Break Up Of Labour |
20 | Break Up Of Salary |
21 | Depreciation Chart |
22 | Repayment Schedule Of Bank Loan |
23 | Computation Of Electricity |
24 | Calculation Of D.S.C.R |
25 | Break Even Point Analysis |
Value Chain of PET Recycling
Many people are involved in the PET recycling business, from waste collectors and kabaddiwalas to small and medium traders, recyclers and manufacturers who use recycled PET for various products. The process of pet bottle recycling is explained in the project report in charts and other methods.
Step 1: When it reaches the waste stream, it is collected
There are several ways in which PET bottles reach the waste stream for recycling. Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a significant source of pollution. All plastic items are segregated from MSW and sold to a kabaddiwala that specializes in plastic waste. Garbage collectors also go directly to collecting sources (railway stations, airports, restaurants, hotels and kiosks). As long as PET bottles are disassembled (along with dry waste) and discarded, there is a high chance that they will be picked up and recycled.
Certain aspects differentiate PET bottles from other plastic waste. Firstly, PET bottles are easily identifiable. Therefore, easy to pick up, sort, store, etc. And the weight per bottle (empty) is high enough for garbage collectors to invest their resources to collect them (extremely low weight, compared to smaller-sized waste, such as chocolate wrappers). There are 40+ large scale manufacturing units across India that use recycled PET (washed flakes) as raw material. As a result, recycled PET is in high demand after the consumer gets Rs 14-15 per kg to the garbage collector.
Step 2: Sorting at the Kabadiwallahs
Kabaddiwalas get mixed plastic waste. People classify the garbage into Polythene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Milky PP, HDPE, LDPE, PET, and other materials. This is mostly done by visual inspection, by subjecting the plastic object to a series of improvised tests. Tests like touching, bending, snapping, applying solvents etc. Different plastics are sold to different merchants. Kabaddiwalas get Rs 24-25 per kg PET bottle. The description of the sorting of the pet bottle is in the project report of recycling.
Step 3: At the traders, non-PET components are removed, sorting is done, and baling is done
Merchants get anywhere between a few hundred kilograms. PET bottles can weigh up to a few tonnes per day. Each PET bottle is strictly checked through manual inspection. First, all coloured PET bottles (green, amber) are disassembled and sold separately. Metal caps, rings (a common feature in PET bottles used for packaging wine etc.) are removed by hand.
Various types of labels are applied on PET bottles – PP, PVC etc. PVC labels pose a particular problem, as they can seriously jeopardize the fibre manufacturing process. [PVC and PET have the same density, so it is difficult to separate by flotation; But PVC and PET have different intrinsic viscosities, making it very difficult to process PET contaminated with PVC.] Therefore, all PVC labels (identified by sight) are removed. Bottles made from other plastics are discarded. After that, the bottles are baled, which is crushed into compact bundles weighing 120–140 kg each. Baling allows PET bottles to be transported efficiently, allowing for the transfer of 8-9 tonnes on a full-scale truck.
Each baling machine can bale about 0.7-1 ton PET bottles a day. Ten personnel (sorter, packer, and baler) can create one tonne of baled PET bottles in a single day.
Traders are buying for Rs. 24-25 per kg. And they cost around four bucks. Sorting and baling as a cost per kilogramme (labour, power, packing costs, rent, and shortage are all included). When they reach the merchant, many PET bottles contain residual liquids (water, juice, other beverage), the liquid stored in the bottle. During the sorting process, some of these liquids are evacuated. Some liquids are crushed during the baling process—all of which PET bottles lack. This loss. Traders sell to recyclers at Rs 30-31 per kg (green bottles cost a little less; amber PET bottles yield is even lower).
Step 4: Sorting (again), fl, and flaking at the PET recyclers
Trucks carrying bales of PET bottles reach recyclers. When the bales are opened, the sorting and cleaning process begins over. Manual, semi-automated, and automatic sorting and cleaning methods are used on bottles at various stages. All PVC labels, bottles are removed. Any metal components that may have slipped (such as caps, rings, springs used in spray bottles, etc.) are carefully removed. The bottles are cut, and the plastic (non-PVC plastics such as PE, PP) components are separated by flotation. The flakes are then washed and dried before being transferred to the manufacturing facilities (washed flakes).
Step 5: At the factory, polyester fibres are created.
Washed PET flake is heated and spun into various grades of fibres that are then used to make PET sheets, monofilaments and straps, among other things.
Can I download the project report of pet bottle recycling in pdf format?
Yes, you can download the Pet Bottle Recycling Project Report in PDF format.