Difference Between CV and Resume and Biodata

Difference Between CV and Resume and Biodata

Do you get confused about the difference between a CV Resume and a Biodata? Usually, people confuse themselves for the three and consider them to be the same. But actually, it isn’t like this. They are different and we are going to explain to you the disparity between the resume, CV and biodata in our article below.

Professional documents like a CV Resume and Biodata are very important for getting a job for an individual. While you are looking for a job, you submit a job application document in India so that you have more chances of selection in the job interview increase. You can then get a selection for the job.

If you lay emphasis on the job description and understand the resume and CV differences and even biodata, you can turn out to be the best professional seeking the job among all present.  Therefore learn about the three elements properly and present your CV, biodata and resume knowing their differences.

Difference Between CV and Resume and Biodata

Table of Contents

Get to know what is the difference between a cv resume and biodata because it will help you write one individually according to your requirements and understanding of the job description. You can differentiate them as below.


A CV represents more information than a resume. A biodata is also full of information but it provides a comprehensive summary of an aspirant’s life, traits and career information. A resume showcases an overview of a candidate’s career info.


A CV is usually two pages long. You can write a resume of up to two pages. A biodata can exceed the page limit. It depends upon the experience and skills you possess. If you have a lot to say about yourself you can choose to write a CV otherwise the other two can also work. It depends upon your needs.


In a CV, you need to mention all your skills related to the job description and certifications of achievements and pieces of training too. You can customize a CV according to your needs. A resume on the other hand needs you to write related stuff only about yourself and active certifications detail. You can personalize your bio-data as per your requirement since it is lengthy and so you can write much content but don’t ever over stuff.

What is the difference between a Biodata Resume and CV?

If you want to know the difference between CV and Resume and Biodata read the complete article.

What is Resume?

A resume is a French word résumé that means a summary. It, therefore, exhibits a summary of an individual’s education, and experience.  The resume is helpful when you have to apply for a job and is written according to the job description by the potential employer.

In today’s time, the trend says a resume is very important because it can make or ruin your impression. People think a resume can get them on the job but it is a wrong fact. The employers hire only the individual whom they find perfect for the job and the resume is just a document to know a little about them.

A resume is a tool that lets you sit in the interview and become a potential employee at a job. A resume is thus only an outline that showcases our qualifications and important skills but doesn’t elaborate on them. Therefore you can use bullets to present a resume better.

A resume that leaves an everlasting impression starts with a brief introduction about the aspirant, his qualifications, expertise areas and professional job experience that includes the keywords from the job description in reverse chronological order. The recent experience comes first and then the previous experiences come.

Then you can write Computer skills and qualifications after the work experience.

Best Resume format

A resume format typically includes personal details such as name, contact information, and location, as well as a summary or objective statement, work experience, education, skills, and achievements. It should be well-organized, easy to read, and tailored to the specific job or industry you are applying to. A good resume should highlight your relevant skills and experiences and showcase your suitability for the job or opportunity you are seeking. With a clear and concise resume, you can make a positive impression on potential employers and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Advantages of a Professional Resume

A professional resume can give you a competitive edge in the job market by highlighting your relevant skills, qualifications, and achievements clearly and concisely. It can help you make a positive first impression on potential employers, demonstrate your professionalism and attention to detail, and increase your chances of landing an interview. A well-crafted resume can also showcase your unique strengths and accomplishments and position you as a top candidate for the job or opportunity you are seeking.

Resume template example

A well-crafted resume template can help you highlight the unique difference between a resume and curriculum vitae and biodata by tailoring your presentation of skills, education, and work experience to the specific job or industry you are applying to. With a professionally designed template, you can showcase your strengths and accomplishments, making it easier for potential employers to assess your suitability for the role., a customized template can help you make a lasting impression and achieve your career goals.

CV- What is Curriculum Vitae?

CV is a Latin word for Curriculum Vitae which states for course of life. A CV is a comprehensive form of a document that lasts up to 2 to 3 pages. It lists the qualifications, professional affiliation, experience and skills in chronological order.

One can write General skills and expertise in a CV and get priority rather than emphasizing skills related to a particular job only.

It includes detailed information about education, experience of job, skills, awards, publications, fellowships etc.

I know you are thinking that a CV can be 2 to 3 pages long but it can extend the limit depending upon the need.

CV is helpful in post-secondary institutions where the candidates apply for research positions.

Best CV Format

A CV format typically includes personal information such as name, contact details, and location, as well as a summary or objective statement, education, work experience, skills, achievements, and publications. It should be well-organized, easy to read, and tailored to the specific job or industry you are applying to.

Advantages of a professional CV

A professional CV can help you stand out in a competitive job market by showcasing your unique skills, achievements, and qualifications. It can highlight your professional experience, education, and accomplishments while demonstrating your attention to detail and organizational skills. With a well-crafted CV, you can make a positive impression on potential employers, increase your chances of landing an interview, and position yourself for success in your career.

CV Template Example

A well-designed CV template can help you emphasize the key difference between a CV resume and biodata by presenting your professional qualifications, experience, and achievements in a tailored and focused manner.

Biodata- What is a Biodata?

A biodata is an outdated resume. It means biographical data. It emphasizes your personal information like birth, sex, nationality, marital status and much more. Details of education, qualifications and work experience are also a major part of a biodata.

It is uncommon in international countries. A resume is still popular in countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

In India, biodata is mostly helpful in government positions or during marriage proposals. Biodata is not only 2 to 3 pages long and its length can increase according to your needs. It must include all the related information about the education and other details depending upon the purpose of designing biodata.

Biodata Format

A biodata format typically includes basic personal information such as name, contact details, date of birth, and nationality, as well as educational qualifications, work experience, skills, achievements, and interests. It should be concise and highlight your strengths and accomplishments while presenting your personality and character in a positive light. A well-crafted biodata can help you stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression on potential employers or other stakeholders.

Advantages of well crafted Biodata

A well-crafted biodata can help you showcase your skills, qualifications, and achievements clearly and concisely, making it easier for potential employers or other stakeholders to assess your suitability for a role or opportunity. It can also help you stand out from other candidates and create a positive first impression, which can increase your chances of success in the job market or other areas of life.

Biodata Template Example

Biodata just includes a little extra information that a resume elsewhere would not. The template of a biodata isn’t that much different from a CV or resume that would be submitted in any country.

Biodata CV Resume Difference in Tabular Form.

A resume is written for a particular job.A CV is written with a general perspective.Biodata is mostly written for government jobs in India.
It focuses on particular skills.It doesn’t revolve around a particular skill or profession.Focuses on personal traits be it sex, nationality or religion.
It is used for government positions and marriage purposes.A resume is limited up to 2 pages only.It is not restricted and is written according to need.
References cannot be included in a resume.It can include resume.References to be included depends upon the situation.
It is written in reverse chronological order.It is limited to 3 pages maximum.It can be written in any format.
You can keep it concise.It is comprehensive.It can also be kept concise.
A resume is best for the fresher looking for job.A CV is best for a training purpose or fellowships.A resume is best for the fresher looking for a job.
How to write a CV?

A CV is a detailed document that exhibits your skills and career step by step and includes all your personal and professional details. It also summarizes your skills, education and experience to let the employers read it. Therefore you can mention a small section of your interests and hobbies also. The steps to create a CV are as follows.

Contact Information

The very first section of the CV. It includes information related to your job, e-mail address and phone number. You can use a professional e-mail ID and mention professional social media accounts as well.

Personal Statement

A personal statement or CV Objective is the introductory part of the CV. A properly written CV includes a summary, work history, job description and achievements and skills.

 How to write Work Experience in CV

This is a crucial part of the CV as it mentions your job position, company name, responsibilities and achievements. It is a good idea to include numbers in this section so that the potential employer can read the CV carefully.

If you are a fresher, you can include internships and training also.


The education section contains the educational details of a candidate like the school and university name and the passing year along with the percentage of marks got. It also includes the academic achievements and courses that come after the objective section related to the job description.


A well-presented CV contains skills that are set according to the job description that a job aspirant may possess. The first thing in this case is to identify the skills that you have and match them with the skills required for the job. If you have them you can mention them in your CV and attract customers towards yourself.

For example, you have excellent communication skills which shows that you can effectively communicate with your fellows, the employer may hire you for the job seeing your skills.

How To Write A Resume?

The aspirants seeking jobs need to summarize their skills,  education, and employment.

While you are looking for a job, the first thing you do is apply for a job position after reading the job description. The resume content is almost related to a CV but a CV is more detailed than a resume.

You can write the resume by:

Right Format

The first thing to begin writing a resume is to look for the right format.  It can be functional, chronological, hybrid or reverse chronological. You have to choose one among these according to your choice and situation. The choice depends on whether you are experienced or fresher.

Personal Details

Once you are in with the format, You must include your details like contact details, address, e-mail id etc. Make sure you cross-check your resume and see that the contact details are right because the recruiter is going to contact you through that only.

Resume Headline

To write a resume headline is important too. It is a one-line description that tells who you are. A proper resume headline grabs the recruiter’s attention and he reads your Resume for sure. Cross-check the job description and write good keywords to get more chances of a job after selecting of resume through the applicant tracking system.

Include Work Experience

The work experience category is the same as written in a CV. You can list the experience in reverse chronological order and mention related details to present your information beautifully which can attract recruiters and get you the job you are applying for.

Add education and certification details

As you do in your CV, add education details in a separate section for education. The educational background should depict that you can take all the job responsibilities and are a better candidate for this job opportunity.

Therefore include skill training courses taken by you along with their certifications to get more chance of being hired.

Tailor Your Resume

You can personalize your resume according to the job description. Customized resumes attract recruiters because they have keywords the recruiters are looking for. It helps them to know your background and find out whether you are fit for this particular position or not.

How To Write A Biodata?

Biodata which stands for biographical data is an outdated term for resume or CV. In a Biodata you can write information like your religion, sex, marital status, address, hobbies and interests and other professional details too.

The details that you can include in a biodata are the following.


You have to mention your objective in this section that tells the rationale for applying for this job. One has to state your job objective and how this position relates to it. One may also mention, why this job position is important for you and how you deem fit for the same.

Personal Information

A biodata consists of your basic personal information like your name, address, e-mail, gender, religion, and nationality. You must include information like hobbies and interests and activities that have brought you laurels. Include only that stuff reading that the recruiter can relate you with the job.

Job Experience

Work experience is an important section of your biodata. It tells the recruiter about your past work details. You can state your experience in chronological order with the latest on top.

Also, include your accolades and achievements in day-to-day work.

How to write Skills in Biodata

The skills form an important section of a biodata. Then only the recruiter can read your qualities and find out whether you possess the needed skills or not. If your skills match the skills in the job description, you are almost in for the job.

Include the hard skills and soft skills that guide the recruiters so that you can communicate well with your team and work as asked.


The education section includes your qualifications and awards along with the distinctions you have achieved so far. You can state your educational background with the highest degree on top and then schooling details. The marks scored, passing years and institute name are a must.

Frequently asked questions on Biodata CV or Resume difference

Is CV and Resume the same?

Well, a CV and a resume are not different and not the same. You can use them to get the job as they are the most trending but the similarity lies in the format and purpose whereas the disparity lies in the format of both of them.

What are CV, Resume and Biodata?

Well, all three are used by job aspirants who are willing to get a job in a company of their choice. You can use a biodata for matrimonial purposes also. A CV and Resume are for job purposes only and are limited to 2 to 3 pages maximum.

What is the difference between CV and Biodata?

The basic difference between a CV and Biodata is that a CV is used for official jobs in India and abroad whereas Biodata is typically used for government opportunities and marriage purposes in countries like Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka.

What is the similarity between CV and Resume and Biodata?

The similarity between a CV, Resume and Biodata is that you get a job when you submit any of these three documents and get a good job by attracting potential employers who find good qualities in you.

Can I use my biodata for job applications in the United States?

Biodata is not commonly used in the United States for job applications. It is recommended to use a resume instead.

How should I format my CV for a job in academia?

CVs for academic positions should typically include sections on education, research experience, publications, teaching experience, and professional affiliations. It is important to tailor the CV to the specific job and include relevant information.

Are resumes and CVs interchangeable terms?

No, resumes and CVs are not interchangeable terms. While both documents provide information about an individual’s education and work experience, they differ in format, length, and content.

What are the key differences between a biodata and a CV?

Biodata typically includes personal information, such as marital status and hobbies, while a CV focuses more on an individual’s education and professional experience. Additionally, CVs are usually longer and more detailed than biodata.

Should I include my hobbies and interests in my resume or CV?

It is not necessary to include hobbies and interests in a resume or CV unless they are relevant to the job or industry being applied for.

How long should a biodata be?

Biodata can vary in length, but it should be concise and to the point. Ideally, it should not exceed two pages.

Can I use my resume to apply for academic positions?

It depends on the specific position and requirements. In some cases, a resume may be sufficient, while in others a CV may be required.

What type of information should be included in a biodata that’s different from a resume or CV?

Biodata may include personal information such as birthdate, nationality, and family background, which is not typically included in a resume or CV.

Is it necessary to include references in a biodata, resume, or CV?

It is not necessary to include references in a biodata, resume, or CV, but it is important to have a list of references available upon request.

How important is the cover letter when submitting a biodata, resume, or CV for a job application?

The cover letter is an important part of a job application, as it provides an opportunity to showcase an individual’s interest in the position and highlight their qualifications.

What is the Difference between a biodata and a resume?

Biodata and resumes are two types of documents used to present an individual’s personal and professional information to a potential employer or organization. While both documents serve the same purpose, there are some key differences between them:
Purpose: A biodata is a detailed document that provides a comprehensive overview of a person’s life, including personal and professional details. On the other hand, a resume is a concise document that highlights an individual’s work experience, education, and skills relevant to a specific job.
Length: A biodata is usually longer than a resume, as it includes more personal details, such as family background, hobbies, interests, etc. A resume, on the other hand, is typically limited to one or two pages.
Structure: A biodata is often structured chronologically, starting from birth and moving forward. A resume, however, is structured in reverse chronological order, with the most recent experience listed first.

What is the Difference between a resume and biodata?

1. Biodata typically includes personal details such as gender, religion, and family background, while a resume does not.
2. Biodata tends to be longer than a resume, as it includes more comprehensive information about an individual’s personal and professional life.
3. Biodata often covers a wider range of aspects, including hobbies, interests, and achievements, while a resume focuses primarily on work experience, education, and skills.

What Is The Curriculum Vitae and Resume Difference?

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a comprehensive document that covers an individual’s entire career, including academic achievements, publications, research experience, awards, and other accomplishments. A CV is generally longer than a resume and is used in academia, research, and other professional fields.

A resume, on the other hand, is a summary of an individual’s work experience, education, and skills, tailored to a specific job application. A resume is typically limited to one or two pages and is more commonly used in the private sector.

What Is The Difference Between a  Curriculum Vitae and a Resume?

The difference between a CV and a resume is that a CV is a comprehensive document used primarily in academic, research, and scientific fields to showcase an individual’s achievements, research work, publications, and academic credentials. It is usually longer than a resume, and the information is presented in reverse chronological order. A resume, on the other hand, is a document used to apply for job opportunities and is tailored to the job requirements. It is typically limited to one or two pages, presents information in chronological order, and focuses on an individual’s work experience, skills, and education relevant to the job.

Difference between resume and CV for freshers

For freshers, the main difference between a resume and a CV is their purpose and content.

A resume is a concise document that highlights the individual’s education, skills, and work experience, typically one or two pages long. It is usually used to apply for entry-level job positions and internships. A resume should be tailored to the specific job requirements and showcase the individual’s relevant skills and experience.

A CV, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive document used in academia, research, and scientific fields. It includes the individual’s education, academic achievements, research work, publications, presentations, and awards, typically several pages long. A CV is used to apply for academic positions or research positions.

For freshers, a resume is the most commonly used document for job applications, while a CV is more appropriate for individuals seeking academic or research positions.

What Is The Resume and Biodata Difference?

A resume is a document that summarizes an individual’s work experience, skills, and education, while a biodata is a more comprehensive document that includes personal details, family background, education, work experience, skills, and achievements.

Difference between a biodata resume and a CV?

Biodata is a comprehensive document that includes personal, family, and professional information. A resume is a summary of an individual’s work experience, skills, and education relevant to the job. A CV is a comprehensive document used primarily in academic and research fields, highlighting an individual’s academic and research accomplishments.

10 differences between a CV and a Resume

Visual Design: While a CV and a resume should be easy to read, a CV allows for more visual design elements, such as charts, graphs, and tables, to showcase an individual’s academic achievements.
Language: A CV can include more technical language and industry-specific jargon, while a resume should use language that is easily understood by a general audience.
Goals: A CV is often used to demonstrate an individual’s expertise and contributions to a specific field, while a resume is tailored to demonstrate how an individual’s skills and experience meet the requirements of a specific job.
Academic Background: A CV highlights an individual’s academic background, including publications, research, and presentations, while a resume focuses on work experience.
Professional Development: A CV highlights an individual’s ongoing professional development, such as continuing education courses, certificates, and licenses, while a resume emphasizes an individual’s current skills and experience.
Personal Interests: A CV may include personal interests, hobbies, or volunteer experience related to the individual’s field of study, while a resume typically does not.
Sections: A CV is usually organized into specific sections, such as education, research experience, and publications, while a resume may have different sections depending on the individual’s skills and experience.
Length: A CV can be longer than a resume and can include multiple pages, while a resume should be kept to one or two pages.
References: A CV may include a list of references or letters of recommendation, while a resume usually does not include references until requested.
Cultural Differences: There may be cultural differences in the content, format, and length of a CV and a resume, depending on the country or region in which they are used.

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